08.24.2023 Release Notes

  • 1. Treatment Plan Inactivation

OnTarget has implemented a new feature relative to client record Treatment Plans which provides users the ability to mark treatment plans inactive. This will allow users to maintain treatment plans in a more organized manner by only displaying the treatment plans needed. Users will be able to mark plans inactive as needed.

Treatment plans that are marked inactive will not appear within the treatment plan list. However, using a new Show Inactive button allows users to view inactive treatment plans along with the associated details (goals and outcomes). And, of course, inactive Treatment Plans can be reactivated at any time if needed.

This will also improve the time needed to render Treatment Plan Webforms. Previously, if a client record contained a long history of treatment plans, creating a new treatment plan or viewing an existing treatment plan would take a very long time to display and sometimes cause OnTarget to time out. This is especially evident when treatment plans contained an abundance of goals and / or outcomes.

By inactivating treatment plans, rendering Treatment Plan Webforms is much quicker saving clinical staff valuable time!

Please Note: The process of inactivating Treatment Plans will greatly decrease the time needed to render a Treatment Plan Webforms only. This does not improve the rendering time for all other Webforms.

Marking a Treatment Plan Inactive

Within the client record, the Treatment Plan tab contains a list of plans. Each plan is listed separately and organized by plan date.

Selecting a listed treatment plan opens the details for the plan such as the Format, Type, Start Date, End Date, Initial Issue Date, and Receipt Date. There will also be an added checkbox field labeled as ‘Inactive’. Clicking the checkbox places a check mark which identifies the treatment plan as inactive.

Once checked and saved, the selected treatment plan is removed from the plan list automatically. Of course, the selected treatment plan is only hidden from view. The treatment plan and associated data is retained.

Viewing Inactive Treatment Plans

Once a treatment plan or set of treatment plans are marked Inactive, they are no longer listed with the Active treatment plans. Please keep in mind that by default, only active plans will be displayed within the plan list.

To view inactive treatment plans, users will be provided a ‘Show Inactive’ button located beside the ‘Add by Form’ button.

When the ‘Show Inactive’ button is clicked containing a check mark, all the inactive plans will be included in the full treatment plan list. Users will be able to view listed active and inactive plans. To easily identify an inactive plan, all listed inactive treatment within the list plans will be grayed out while all active plans will retain darker text. This eliminates the need to click on a listed plan to see if it’s inactive or active.

To remove inactive plans from the list, users can click the ‘Show Inactive’ button again to remove the checkmark. This will re-hide the inactive treatment plans.

Activating an Inactive Treatment Plan

Users are provided with the ability to reactivate a treatment plan as needed. The process of reactivating a Treatment Plan is efficient. To ensure users have complete access to all associated data for an inactive treatment plan, reactivating a plan is recommended.

To reactivate an inactive treatment plan, use the ‘Show Inactive’ button to display all inactive plans. Once all the plans are listed, select the needed plan. With the plan information displayed on the right-hand side, click the Inactive button, and click Save.

Once the Inactive checkbox is unmarked, the selected treatment plan is reactivated. All associated data for the selected plan can be accessed and viewed.

Please Note: Treatment Plan details may be viewed if the plan is active or inactive. It is recommended that when viewing the details for a Treatment Plan it be active.

Please Note: Once the reactivated plan is no longer needed, it’s recommended that the plan is returned to an inactive state.

Please Note: Retaining inactive treatment plans allows the treatment plan WebForm to render faster. If treatment plans are reactivated and not returned to an Inactive state, it may result in a lengthy rendering time for the associated treatment plans.

  • 2. HIE Continuity of Care Document Exclusion Options

Service Exclusion for CCD Data Submission

To provide user the ability to identify specific services that do not require submission for CCD data submission to HIE, OnTarget has added a new process to exclude the identified service. The service type to be included in the exclusion can be identified and marked within the OnTarget Services record by using a checkbox.

Please Note: The added checkbox to exclude a Service type is only available if your organization currently submits CCD data to HIE. Otherwise, this field is not visible.

Within a Service record, the new checkbox titled “Exclude Encounter Data for HIE Submission” is available and used when the selected service does not require service note data to be submitted to HIE. Checking this box will result in the exclusion of service notes associated with the selected service as being part of the CCD data upload to HIE.

Once the checkbox is activated, OnTarget does the remaining exclusion process. Created service notes associated with the selected service for exclusion will not be submitted to HIE.

Diagnosis Code Exclusion for CCD Data Submission

OnTarget has been updated to automatically identify specific diagnosis codes that are associated with a client service authorization. When a DSM5 / ICD10 code is configured within a client service authorization, OnTarget will automatically exclude any associated service notes from being submitted with a CCD if that diagnosis is part of the exclusion list.

Within a client service authorization, utilize the DSM5 filed to identify the specific diagnosis applicable to the service type.

If the selected DSM5 / ICD10 code is included in the pre-programmed exclusion list, any associated service notes will be excluded from CCD submission.

The excluded code list includes Substance Use diagnosis which includes codes and or subsets of codes for F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, F16, F18, and F19.

  • 3. OnTarget Session Time Out

To provide OnTarget users improved visibility to sessions time outs, an increase in notification is now available. As a security measure, users that are logged into an OnTarget session are afforded a limited amount of time in which idle time can occur. Being idle within a session refers to the amount of interaction with the session. When a user is not actively interacting with a session inside OnTarget (clicking and / or typing) and a pre-defined amount if time is reached, OnTarget automatically logs the user out of the session. However, before the automatic log out occurs, OnTarget will now display a notice 5 minutes in advance. The notice is displayed on the user’s screen and will display over any other opened OnTarget windows.

This improved warning provides users ample time to react and choose to stay logged in or log out.

Additionally, the time out configuration setting has been updated to provide a new minimum and maximum amount of time before automatic session time out. This ensures that OnTarget is actively securing confidential information.

Organizations can configure the maximum number of minutes in which an automatic session time out occurs. The configuration is located within the global configuration setting for the OnTarget organization account.

The maximum number of minutes that can be configured for a session time out is 60 minutes while the minimum number of minutes for a session time out is 10 minutes.

A notice to the user will appear on the screen 5 minutes before the session is automatically timed out / closed. For example, if a total of 6o minutes is configured for a Session Timeout, when a user is idle for 55 minutes, the notice to the user is displayed. The notice will remain on the screen for the remaining 5 minutes before automatic log out occurs. That is if the user does not interact with the OnTarget session.

The notice informs the user that automatic time out will occur within 5 minutes and offers the user a choice to stay logged in or log out. The option is presented within Yes / No buttons directly on the displayed notice.

Clicking Yes will retain the users logged in session while clicking No will log the user out.

Please Note: As a reminder, if a user does not choose Yes or No within the remaining 5 minutes, OnTarget will automatically close the user’s session. A session that is automatically closed / logged out may result in loss of data entry if a save did not occur beforehand.

To learn more about the maximum number of session time out minutes configured for your organization, please contact your organization’s system administrator.

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