09.21.2023 Release Notes

  • 1. Employee Certifications List Configuration - Inactive and Client Specific

OnTarget has provided additional functionality to the List Configuration for employee certifications. The new functionality provides users to identify employee certifications that are inactive and certifications that are client specific.

The inactive option provides users the ability to identify employee certification that are no longer needed by providing an Inactive checkbox. Configuring a certification as inactive removes the certification from drop-down lists and pick lists. Additionally, any certification assigned to an employee record, client record, or training template will remain listed for the associated record but easy to identify.

The Client Specific option now available provides users the ability to identify listed employee certifications that need to be associated to client record. In turn, any listed certification that is only specific to an employee record is identified. For example, a vehicle registration certification may only need to be associated with an employee certification. This would mean that the configured certification is not client specific.

List Configuration

The Employee Certifications list may be accessed through the List Configuration within OnTarget.

Both the Inactive and Client Specific columns are located to the left and represented by check boxes for each listed certificate. The new configurations are initiated when the check boxes contain a check mark and deactivated when the checkbox is empty.

To update and existing certification configuration, click on the corresponding certification row. This will open the record for editing.

Once the necessary / needed change is completed, clicking the Update button saves the change. Similarly, adding a new certification creates a new certification row and once the necessary information is entered, the Update button saves the new entry.

Employee Record Certifications

When a certification is configured to contain an inactive setting, the result of that update affects specific aspects within an employee record.

Within the Certification tab of an employee record, the certification list that is displayed when entering new certifications or updating an existing will not contain any inactive certifications. This prevents the selection of certifications that are no longer required. And, of course, the drop-down list retains alphabetical order.

To easily identify certifications that had been assigned to an employee before inactivation of the certification within the list configuration, the text “(Inactive)” appears within the title / description. This lets user know that although the certification is assigned to the employee, it’s inactive.

If the inactive certification is reactivated within the list configuration, the “(Inactive)” text is removed from the description.

The inactivation of a listed certification configuration also affects the employee Supervision Events tab. An entered Supervision Event can be linked to an employee certification. The drop-down list for the Supervision Event will contain the same values as the employee certification. And, of course, inactive certification linked to a Supervision Event will contain the same inactive text.

Please Note: Configuring an employee certification as Client Specific does not change any aspect of the employee record. All active certifications will be displayed in the certification drop-down list for user selection. The client specific configuration may be used to establish a connection between the client and employee based on training.

Client Record Certifications

Within a client record the Certifications tab is used to identify certifications required / needed specifically for the selected client. Using a pick list, users can select the appropriate certifications marking them as active for the client record.

The pick list is comprised pf 2 different sections. The first section (top section) is titled “Active Certifications” and lists the specific certifications relative to the client. The second section is titled “Available Certifications” and refers to all the certifications available that can be selected as active for the client record.

Inactive Client Certifications

Marking a certification is inactive within the Employee Certifications List Configuration results in only the remaining configured active certifications displayed within the “Available Certifications” pick list. And, like the employee record certifications, if an “Active Certification” is selected client record which is later configured as “Inactive”, the text “(Inactive)” will be displayed within the title / description of the active client certification. This is used to identify that specific certification without changing the client record in any way.

Client Specific Client Certifications

Marking a certification within the Certifications List Configuration as Client Specific will update the “Available Certifications” list to ONLY display those certifications. This provides users the ability to identify only those certifications applicable to a client record.

Important: Please Note: To ensure the current set up for client records regarding the available pick list for Client Certifications, within the List Configuration for Certifications, all listed certification entries are marked as Client Specific. This results in the same client record pick lists prior to this released enhancement.

Please Note: If an “Active Certification” is selected for a client is later updated within the Certifications List Configuration as Client Specific, the active certification within the client record is retained. Despite the change to Client Specific, the client record is not changed / updated in any way.

Certification Templates

The process for selecting certification templates for created Job Titles within OnTarget is very similar to the client certifications selection process. Within the certification templates configuration window, there are 2 sections of pick lists. The first is titled “Assigned to this template, and, of course, identifies the selected employee certifications assigned to the displayed template. The second section is titled “Not assigned to this template” and lists all the remaining available certifications that can be selected to assign to the displayed certification template.

The list for “Not assigned to this template” will not display any certifications that are configured as Inactive within the Employee Certifications List Configuration.

Please Note: Like the other areas, if a certification template is assigned to a Job Title and afterwards, the certifications is configured as Inactive from within the List Configuration for Certifications, the “(Inactive)” text will appear for the assigned certification to prevent changing the current Certification Template.

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