05.29.2024 Release Notes

1.    Employment Status Field for Client Record

A new field has been added to the Client record that provides users with the ability to note the Employment Status. The new field is located within a client record under the Other Details section.

The new field is outfitted with a predetermine drop-down list that may be selected. The list included Employed, Employed-Micro-Enterprise,Preemployment-Seeking Employment, and Not Employed.

The new field has also been included to the Client search grid providing the ability to quickly view the Employment Status for a set for filtered search results. Additionally, users can sort the Client search grid with the Employment Status column. The new column is located between the Medicaid County and Target Population columns.

When exporting the search results from within the Client search grid, the Employment Status field is included in the data export allowing users to view and utilize the data within the preferred exported format.

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