06.28.2024 Release Notes

1.    Employment Paycheck Stub Updates

OnTarget has added functionality options to display additional information on employee check stubs. The additional information includes displaying pay rates as well as employee tax filing status and withholding amounts indicators on an employee paycheck stub.

Pay Rates

Employee paycheck stubs may now be outfitted with the ability to display pay rates for configured pay types within employee records.

A new configuration has been added to the Payroll > Rules within OnTarget that provides the option to display the employee pay rates on the check stub.

Under the List Configuration > Payroll > Rules, a new configuration has been added titled “Show pay rate on paycheck stub”.

The configuration for “Show Pay Rate on paycheck stub” contains a checkbox that by default is disabled (not checked) resulting in the Pay Rate not displaying on an employee’s check stub.Marking the checkbox enables the new feature resulting in the Pay Rate displaying on an employee’s paycheck stub.

Pay rates that are listed on an employee’s paycheck stub coincide with the entered pay type records within an employee’s record. Within the Pay Types tab, employee pay rates may be entered for specific types of pay. When the entered pay type is listed on an employee’s paycheck, the corresponding pay rate is listed on the stub.

When the new show pay rate configuration is enabled, employee check stubs will contain a new column titled“Pay Rate”. All configured employees’ pay rates are listed under the new column when the associated pay type line item is listed.

Please Note: When enabled,the Pay Rate column is displayed on all past paycheck stubs and will display for all future paycheck stubs.

Tax Information

In addition to the displayed pay rates for employee paycheck stubs, specific tax information has been added to the Withholdings portion /column. The added information includes a single letter indicator for the employee’s federal and state filing status (i.e., Single, Married) as well as a numeric indicator for configured employee federal and state deduction withholdings.

The single letter filing type indicator is displayed under the Withholdings column as a suffix of the ‘Federal’ title. The letter displayed corresponds to a filing type for both federal and state taxes.


·        H = Head of Household

·        M = Married / Joint

·        S = Single / Married Filing Separate


·        H = Head of Household

·        M = Married / Joint

·        S = Single

·        P = Married / Separate

·        W = Qualifying Widower

A second indicator has also been added to the ‘Federal’ and‘State’ withholding titles. This indicator is a number and corresponds to the employee federal tax deductions or state withholding allowances. The number is displayed after the tax filing type letter.

When both indicators are applied to the ‘Federal’ and ‘State’ withholding titles, they appear as “Federal-S-0”, for example. The “S”indicates a filing type of Single / Married Filing Separate and 0 withholding allowances.

The indicators coincide with the employee’s tax information configured within the Employees > Taxes tab.

2.    Employee Record Field Addition and Field Move

OnTarget has moved the “Eligible for Rehire” checkbox to anew location within the employee record. The field now appears within the‘Basic Employee Information’ section under the ‘Tax ID Number’ field.Relocation of the field does not affect any associated functionality.

A new non-required field titled “Prof Caregiver License” has been added to the employee record and may be used to enter a license ID number for employees that may hold a caregiver license. Currently, the new field is not associated with any OnTarget functionality and is placed within the employee record under the ‘Other Information’ section beneath the ‘Job Title’ field.

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