Timesheet FAQ

Q: Are there automated ways to have recurring payroll entries such as mileage and expense reimbursements added to timesheets every pay period?

A: Yes, this works in conjunction with the ‘Enable Auto Salary Import’ function, which must be turned on in Configure > List Configuration > Payroll >Rules. This feature will auto-populate a unit entry to any active salary pay type every pay period, preventing any manual entries to pay against a salaried rate. To have the same effect on other pay types, go to the Pay Types tab in the employee record. For any mileage or misc. reimbursement pay type that would benefit from an auto-population of a unit entry every pay period (or at least consistently), check the Auto-Import box. This box is only eligible for pay types configured as either mileage or misc. reimbursement in the Pay Types desktop. Once enabled, when timesheets or time records are imported to paychecks, a unit entry will auto-populate, preventing manual entries at either timesheets or in the actual paycheck for those pay types.

Q: Can timesheets be deleted?

A: Only unsigned, unapproved timesheets that are blank (no associated time) are eligible for deletion. To enable this functionality, go to Configure > Security >Configure Roles. Select the user role(s) and go to Desktop Security. Expand Timesheets and check ‘Timesheet Delete’.  The user(s) with access will then navigate to the Timesheets desktop and see the red trash can icon for any timesheet eligible for deletion (blank, unsigned, unapproved).

Q: Can hours be grouped by client for each pay period?

A: Yes, if an employee’s pay type includes the client, usually in the event of client specific pay rates, the client’s name will display along with the pay type on the Employee Timesheet report. This helps differentiate hours worked with clients when the pay rate is different. To access, go to the Time Records Desktop, click Employee Timesheet at the top of the screen and enter the pay period (set other filters accordingly). Click Run Report and for any pay type that includes the client’s name, it will display against the pay type line.

Q: Where can staff review their PTO balances?

A: Users can see their beginning PTO balance for the start of each pay period at the bottom of their timesheet. The PTO balances are also displayed on each paycheck stub.

Q: Can limits be placed on the number of miles staff are to be reimbursed?

A: Yes. If there is a company-wide maximum, the default can be setup at Payroll > Pay Types. Select the Mileage Reimbursement pay type and enter the maximum number of miles in the “Maximum Allowable Units” field. This value will auto-populate when adding the pay type to an employee record. The maximum can be adjusted per employee. If no default is established at the pay type level, then enter the max number of miles when adding the pay type per employee. With this in place, when staff are entering the number of miles on their timesheet, they will be prevented from adding miles in excess of their designated maximum.

Q: Can I add a timesheet for someone else?


  1. Go to Timesheets → Add Timesheets 
  2. If the Employee does not populate in the Add/Edit Time sheet window go to Options → Cost Centers OR check Timesheet Super-user mode if that is an option.
  3. Check if the Cost Center is available for the assigned cost center of the employee.
  4. If so, check the Cost Center if not already checked and then click Add Timesheet to select the employee. 
  5. If the Cost Center is not available, the Security Administrator will need to assist

Q: How do I delete a record from the wrong timesheet and move it to the correct timesheet?

 A: You should see a red trash can symbol next to the record if it can be removed from the timesheet. If not, this function will need to be enabled for your individual role. Once the time has been deleted from the incorrect timesheet, select the new timesheet you wish to import the record to. Then, click on the 'Import into Timesheet' button to pull the time into the correct timesheet.

Q:  When I go to add my timesheet, the current pay period is not available from the ‘Pay Period’ drop-down.  What do I do?

A: Visibility to pay periods is managed from Configure > List Configuration > Timesheets > Pay Periods.  If this configuration area is not accessible, reach out to a supervisor or a security administrator to let them know that the current pay period is not visible.

Q:  Time records (from approved notes) for one of my staff imported into the wrong pay period/timesheet.  How do I remove these time records from the incorrect pay period/timesheet and add them to the correct one?

A: Click on and highlight the pay period/timesheet with the incorrect time.  Expand the time records display.  Click the red trashcan (Remove from Timesheet) for the dates/times to be deleted.  Next, click on and highlight the pay period/timesheet where the missing time is needed.  Click ‘Import into Timesheet’.  Select the checkboxes next to the missing time and click ‘Import into Timesheet’.

Q:  I need to see if any of the notes imported into a particular timesheet are late.  How do I check that?

A:  From Timesheets, select the timesheet in question.  Next, click on the ‘Late Notes Report’ button (top of timesheets window).  A list of late notes for the timesheet selected will be presented.

Q:  Is there a way to setup the system to automatically create timesheets for staff, based on active pay periods?

A:  Yes, start by ensuring that at least the active pay period is visible within the system.  Go to Configure > List Configuration > Timesheets > Pay Periods.  Find the current pay period in the system and ensure that the ‘Visible’ checkbox is selected.  If the pay period has not been entered, click ‘Add Pay Period’, add the start and end dates for the pay period, select the ‘Visible’ checkbox and click ‘Update’ to save.  Next, enable auto-creation of timesheets by going to Configure > List Configuration > Timesheets > Rules, and selecting the ‘Timesheet Auto Add/Associate Time Records’ checkbox…Save.  Finally, from Configure > List Configuration > Billing > Rules, select the ‘Auto Create Time Records on Note Approval’ checkbox and Save.  Now, once a note is signed and approved for payroll, a timesheet will be automatically created against the corresponding pay period.

Q:  When I select my timesheet and click on ‘Add Time Record’ to add non-billable time using a pay type, I am not seeing the pay type that I should from the ‘Pay Type’ drop-down.  I know that the pay type has been added to my employee profile, and there is not a cost center assignment issue.  What do I do? 

A:  The ability to manually add non-billable time via pay type, is controlled by the pay type configuration.  From Payroll > Pay Types, search the Pay Types grid for the pay type in question.  Double-click the pay type from the list to open.  Ensure that the ‘Allow Manual Timesheet Entry’ checkbox is selected.    

Q:  When I go to the Timesheets desktop, I can see all of the timesheets for employees I manage.  However, I need to be able to see timesheets for employees that I do not directly supervise too.  How do I do that?

A:  In order to see all timesheets within the agency, enable timesheet super-user mode by going to Options (top right corner of OnTarget) > check the ‘Timesheet Super-user mode’ checkbox.  Return to the Timesheet desktop for full timesheet visibility/filtering.

Q:  Is there a report in OnTarget that displays timesheets that have or have not been signed/approved for a particular pay period? 

A:  Yes, the ‘Timesheet Audit’ report displays this information.  From Timesheets, click on the ‘Timesheet Audit’ button.  Next, enter the Pay Period start and end dates.  Click ‘Run Report’.  Optional filters are available for Cost Center, Signed/Unsigned, and Approved/Unapproved.     

Q:  I want to bulk approve timesheets for a particular pay period, but there are certain staff that I want to exclude from the approval.  Is there a way to exclude certain staff from the timesheet bulk approve process?

A:  First, go to the Employees desktop and search for the specific employee records that should be excluded from the bulk timesheet approval.  Open each employee record, scroll to the bottom of the ‘Demographics’ page, and select the ‘Turn off Auto Timesheet Approval’ checkbox.  Now, when the ‘Bulk-Approve’ button is selected from Timesheets, the ‘Pay Period’ is selected, and ‘Approve’ is clicked, these employees will be excluded from the process.

Q:  My company does not use OnTarget for payroll, but we do use timesheets.  Is there any way that we can hide older timesheets/pay periods from those that display under ‘Timesheets’?

A:  For companies that use OnTarget for payroll, timesheets are automatically hidden once associated time records are marked as paid via the check creation process.  For companies that are not using OnTarget for payroll, the time records must be manually marked as ‘paid’ from the Time Records desktop (using the ‘Mark Paid’ button).  Note:  this applies only to timesheets that have been signed and approved.

Q: When I attempt to delete time from a timesheet, I get an error message that states, “Only supervisors can delete records from timesheets”.  However, I am a supervisor.  How do I get this time deleted from the timesheet?

A:  This error message is typically the result of attempting to delete time from a timesheet that is ‘Approved’.  Ensure that the timesheet has been unapproved and unsigned first.  Then, delete the time from the timesheet without issue.

Q: My company uses OnTarget for payroll, and we use timesheets.  How can I view older timesheets for pay periods that have already passed?

A:  In order to view older timesheets for pay periods that have already passed, navigate to Timesheets.  Enable ‘Timesheet Super-user mode’ from Options (as needed).  Click on the ‘Show All’ checkbox.  Apply timesheet filters as needed, and Search.   

Q: What does the ‘Validate Timesheet’ function do in OnTarget?

A:    Once a timesheet has been selected from Timesheets, and the ‘Validate Timesheet’ button has been clicked, the system will display any validations or warnings associated with the timesheet selected.  For example, validations related to employee certifications expiration, overlapping time or client consents expiration may display.

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