Client Video Links

Configure: List Configuration-Client Menu's: This video will show you how to configure your drop down menus so that your client records reflect your organization.

Client Reporting: This video will show various reporting features from the OnTarget Client Desktop - including how to use filters, and how to interpret the results. 

What Clients Do I have Access To? This video will show how security controls the set of clients that you are able to see and work with in the system.

Clients: Searching, Filtering and Saving Views: This video will show you how to search for your clients along with using the filters and views for searching and reporting.

Clients: General Section-Identification Tab: This video will show you how to enter in a new client; starting with the Identification tab of the General Section

Clients: General Section-Contacts Tab: This video will show you how to enter a new contact in the Contacts Tab of the General Section

Clients: General Section-Insurance Tab: This video will show you how to enter insurance information in the Insurance Tab of the General Section.

Clients: General Section-Notes Tab: This will show you how to enter free form text notes regarding the client in the Notes Tab of the General Section. Not to be confused with the notes desktop. This is an area to make notes about the client record where there are no other places to key this information.

Clients: History Section- Admissions Tab: This video will show you how to add Admission information in the Admissions Tab of the History Section. 

Clients: History Section: Assessments Tab: This video will show you how to add Assessment information and recommendation made from the assessment in the Assessment Tab of the History Section.

Clients: History Section-Certifications Tab: This video will show you how to add certifications to the client record & where to look for certifications in the certifications tab of the History Section.

Clients: History Section-Consents Tab: This video will show you how to add consents to the client record and how to make changes to the consent in the Consents tab of the History Section. 

Clients: History Section-Immunizations Tab: This video will show you how to add an Immunization Record (how to enable and disable) to a client record and how to make changes to the immunization record of a client in the Immunizations Tab of the History Section.

Clients: Medical Section-Vital Statistics Tab: This video will show you how to add Vital Statistics information to a client record. This includes information such as height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate and other relevant vital information. This information is stored in the Vital Statistics Tab of the Medical Section.

Clients: Medical Section-Medications Tab: This video will show you how to add Medication Information to the Medications tab of the Medical Section. This will include medication name, dosage, start and stop date, how often etc. 

Clients: Medical Section-MAR Tab: This video will show you how to access the Medical Administration Record can be accessed using the MAR tab of the Medical Section. This will show you medications that have been administered, are overdue, have been scheduled, or have been missed.

Clients: Services Section: This video will show you how to add services to a client record using the Services section. It is important to note that adding services here are not linked to billing. This is useful for services not eligible for billing.

Clients: Medical-DSM-5: This video will show you how to input DSM-5 entries in the client record.

Clients: Managing the Treatment Plan: This video will show you some of the tricks for managing the treatment plan/PCP data in OnTarget.

Clients: E-Prescribe: This video shows how your organization's doctors can electronically submit prescriptions to client pharmacies.

Clients: E-prescribe Notifications: This video will step through ways in which medication refills and pending scripts can be tracked.

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