Maximum Units Exceeded


Received an error or warning stating the maximum units have been exceeded.

Example Scenario:

Our client has a service with a weekly maximum of 40 units:

There are 2 schedules for the week of 7/2 - 7/7 with a total of 40 units:

The caregiver created notes for each schedule, but changed the end time of one of them (which put us over the maximum units):

The note from 7/3 has been imported into time records:

The caregiver tries to sign the note for 7/5/2017, and receives an error stating they have exceeded the maximum units.


A quick way to see an overview of how the units are being used is by running the Service Variance report. Only those with the correct permissions are able to see the button for this. It is available at the top of the notes, authorizations, time records, and scheduling search grids.

If you do not have the correct permissions and are not a security administrator, you will need to contact your supervisor.

To give this permission to a role (**MUST HAVE CONFIGURE ROLE ACCESS**):

  1. Configure
  2. Security
  3. Configure Roles
  4. Select the role
  5. Desktop Security tab
  6. Expand the name of the desktop you would like to add this permission for (Notes, Authorizations, Time Records, Scheduling)
  7. Select Service Variance

To use this functionality:

  1. Navigate to the desktop for which this permission was granted (we'll use Authorizations here), and click on the Service Variance Report button.
  2. Fill out the report filters with the appropriate values, and click Run Report. For Service End Date, enter the date range of the time period you are checking for. In this example, we are checking weekly units for the week of 7/2 - 7/8.
  3. Our report tells us that we have 40 units authorized/scheduled. 24 of the 40 are in Notes, 20 of the 40 are in Time Records. Between the two, we have a total of 44 units which is 4 more than is authorized. Variance Units shows the final calculation. In this case, we have gone over our max by 4 units. Units are displayed in the column that corresponds with the furthest point reached in the process from scheduled to billed. Even though there are 2 schedules for this client and service, the report shows 0 units under Schedule because notes have been created for each of the schedules. Only one of the notes has been imported into time records, and the report shows the units in the appropriate column that corresponds to which part of the process that scheduled service is in. 

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