Notes Error Messages

Error: There are no outcomes associated for this service and client. Please add outcomes to this client's service from the client management screen.

There are 2 reasons this error message appears.

1) There are no goals in the treatment plan.

2) The service in the note and the service in the treatment plan are not the same.

To fix the issue check the client's treatment plan. Make sure there are goals and that the service(s) is correct. If the information in the treatment plan is correct, then check the service selected in the note. The service in the note and in the treatment plan must be the same.

Error: None found.

There are 2 reasons why no outcomes populate under the Purpose of Contact dropdown for PIE note templates. 

1) There are no goals in the treatment plan.

2) The service in the note and the service in the treatment plan are not the same.

To fix the issue check the client's treatment plan. Make sure there are goals and that the service(s) is correct. If the information in the treatment plan is correct, then check the service selected in the note. The service in the note and in the treatment plan must be the same.

Error: All goals are not addressed. Please address all goals before continuing.

This error message appears because one or more required fields were left blank. Review the note to ensure all required fields are completed. In a Grid Note, check if both the Intervention and Assessment are completed.

Error: A DMS has been created for this note, so it cannot be deleted.

If a note is signed, it can no longer be deleted. If you can, try to prevent the note from being signed in order to delete it. If a note is signed and then unsigned, it still cannot be deleted because it was once signed. For notes that have been signed, you will need to retract the note. Retracting the note will zero out the note. This is done by opening the note you wish to retract and clicking retract on the bottom left corner of the note. To complete the retraction the note must be approved for billing and payroll after the note is retracted.

Error: Caregiver cannot provide multiple services at the same time.

This warning is informing you that there is a note already created that overlaps with the note you are trying to sign. If the other note was created on accident, delete the note if it wasn't signed or retract it if it was signed.

Error: This note's service date does not fall between the start and end for this service authorization.

The service date of the note does not fall between the start and end date of the service authorization. This means there is no authorization in place for the date of service of the note. The fix is to ensure that there is an authorization in place for the dates of service needed. To do this go to Authorization and either create an authorization or extend the dates of a current authorization.

Error: This outcome's assessments are affected by one or more rules on the client's treatment plan. To change this value, check the 'Override Automatic Assessment value' box.

This is letting you know that there are conflicting Key Rules in the treatment plan. The fix is to go to the goal in the treatment plan and make edits to the Key Rules so that there is no conflict in the intervention/assessment.

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