Treatment Plan Error Messages

Error: Treatment plan overlaps with another plan for this client.

Check the other treatment plans in the Client Record and make sure there are no other treatments plans that overlap with the treatment plan you are trying to save. Once you find the treatment plan that overlaps, change the end date so that it no longer overlaps with the new treatment plan.

Error: Unable to delete goal because it is in use by a saved object.

If there are short term goals attached to the long-term goal, then you must delete the short-term goals before being able to delete the long-term goal.

Error: Cannot delete outcome because it is linked to a note.

If a note is written for the service attached to the goal, the goal can no longer be deleted. There are 2 scenarios for this issue. If the goal is no longer needed and you do not want the goal to populate in the note, enter a date in the Date Completed field of the goal. This will stop the goal from populating in the note. If the goal was written accidently, the note needs to be deleted first and then you will be able to delete the goal.

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