03 Adding Providers

Providers are defined in OnTarget as the agency, facility or caregiver providing service and submitted on claims for payment. In most cases, the billing provider is the actual agency, and an attending is the caregiver providing service for professional (CMS-1500) claims, or the facility for institutional (UB-04) claims. An attending provider is not always required. Please refer to the payer manuals and guidelines for their specific requirements.

  1. Click on Billing desktop
  2. Click on Providers
  3. The provider search window should open automatically, if it does not, click Search Providers.
  4. Choose Inactive=No filter, enter NPI and click Search to ensure the provider you need is not already in OnTarget. Continue if the provider is not in the list.
  5. Click Add Provider.
  6. Code=Enter the Code of “Global”
  7. Description= Enter “Global” plus the last 4 of the NPI. Ex: Global 1234. If the provider is a caregiver, enter “Global” plus the last name AND the last 4 of the NPI.
  8. NPI=Enter the 10 digit NPI (National Provider Identifier) of the provider being added.
  9. Billing Link= Copy the NPI and enter here.
  10. Check Signature on File
  11. Check Global NPI
  12. Choose Provider Type
    1. NPI=This will submit the NPI on claim—select this if not sure, this is default for most payers.
    2. Legacy=This will submit the provider number on the claim==this is NOT usual.
  13. Check “Is Employee” only if the provider being entered is a caregiver/employee in OnTarget.**

Helpful Hint: This allows the caregiver information to be sent on the claims that require an attending/rendering caregiver. If the provider being entered is the agency OR facility, do NOT check this box.

  1. Click Save if the “Is Employee” box was not checked.
  2. If an agency/facility has been added, notify Aym Technologies to ensure all paperwork has been completed and the Billing Configurations added.
  3. When the “Is Employee” box is checked, the Attending Employee Setup window will appear.
    1. Enter the Attending Frist Name and Last Name (Middle Name is not required but can be added as well).
    2. Click Add
    3. Select the payer from the dropdown and the taxonomy on file with the payer.
    4. Click Update and SAVE.
    5. Repeat adding the payer and taxonomy for additional payers.
  4. **If the “Is Employee” box was checked on the Provider screen an additional step must be taken in the Employee record.
    1. Click on Employee desktop, which should open automatically and default to active employees
    2. Search for the employee using the filters.
    3. Once employee record appears, click on the Providers tab
    4. Click Add
    5. Select the appropriate Global provider record for the caregiver.
    6. Select the appropriate payer
    7. Enter the taxonomy on file with the payer.

Adding Providers (Non Employee)

Adding Providers (Employee)

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