05 Configuring Claims Service Groupings

Claims Service Groupings allows you to specify the services that can be grouped together and invoiced on the same invoice. By setting up a claims service group, you can create claims with multiple services and dates of service.

1. Click on Billing and expand to find services

2. Click on Services

    • Note: If you do not see the Services desktop, ensure that your assigned role has access. Also, check Menu Settings to ensure that Services has been moved from the Desktop pane (inactive) over to the active desktops section.

3. Click Service Groupings (top of screen) and select “Claims Service Groupings” from the drop- down.

    • Note: If you do not see the Service Groupings button, ensure that your assigned role has access

4. Click the Add Claim Service Group button

5. Enter a Name for the claim service group.

  1. Select the Payer from the drop-down.
    • Note: Only payers with the “Override NU” selected at the payer configuration dialogue will be available for selection.

7. Select the services (checkboxes) that should be included in the claim service grouping.

8. Click on the Save button .

Example Invoice w/ Multiple Services:

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