05 Adding Vouchers

How to Add Vouchers 

This section of the course will outline the process for adding a single occurrence voucher.  The process for adding recurring vouchers is covered in a later section of this course.  

  1. Click on Accounts Payable (expand) 
  2. Click on Vouchers 
  3. Click on the Add Voucher button

Add Voucher:  Voucher Information 

  1. Select the Vendor. 
  2. Enter a Description.
    • Note:  This should be a brief description of the nature of the bill.  This description is used in search criteria at the general ledger.   
  3. Voucher Number will auto-populate. 
  4. Enter the Invoice Date, Invoice Amount and Invoice Number.  

Helpful Hint:  Invoice Number is typically entered using the associated vendor invoice. 

  1. Select a Discount Type and enter a Discount Amount(optional). 
    • Note:  If there is no discount, leave these fields blank.  
  2. Scheduled Date (optional field):  If you are not cutting the check immediately and would like to set the date for which you need to cut the check, enter in the scheduled date of payment.  
  3. Scheduled Amount:  The invoice amount will auto-populate to this field.  If you want to make a partial payment on the invoice rather than the full amount, you can change the amount to be paid here.  
  4. Click on the Calculate button
    • Note:  This will calculate the payment; taking any discount or scheduled amount into account.       

Add Voucher:  Distribution 

Adding a General Ledger Distribution is important for ensuring the correction allocation to the ledger for expense incurred for a particular vendor.   

    • Note:  If the default distribution has been setup at Vendors, this information will automatically set to the pre-defined distribution and amount(s) once the Calculate button is clicked.    
  1. Click the +Add button 
  2. Select the GL Base Account. 
  3. Select the Cost Center (optional). 
    • Note:  You may choose to require cost center for the distribution which is recommended anytime you have more than 1 cost center in order to have detailed financial reporting. 

Helpful Hint:  Service Code and Client are optional but key to cost reporting, especially the service.  

  1. Enter an Amount.  You have the option of adding multiple Base Accounts by clicking on the +Add button. 
    • Note:  The sum of the individual amounts for each of the Base Accounts added must equal the total invoice amount.  

Add Voucher:  Save, Process and Manual Checks 

  1. Save:  Saves the voucher for processing/printing later. 
  2. Save & Process:  Saves and processes the voucher in a single step.  The “Process” function saves the payment information to the general ledger. 
    • Note:  Vouchers must be processed before checks can be created & printed.     
  1. Add Manual Check:  Allows you to document payments made outside of the system using manual checks. 

Add Recurring Voucher 

This section of the course will outline the process for adding a recurring voucher.  Adding a recurring voucher is very useful if there is a consistent payment that needs to be made to a vendor over a specified duration. 

  1. Click on Accounts Payable (expand) 
  2. Click on Vouchers 
  3. Click on Recurring Vouchers
  4. Click on the Add Recurring Voucher button

  1. Select the Vendor. 
  2. Enter a Description. 
    • Note:  This should be a brief description of the nature of the bill.   This description is used in search criteria at the general ledger.   
  1. Enter the Invoice Number (optional). 
  2. Enter the Invoice Amount and Scheduled Amount (both required).                                 
    • Note:  If you want to make a partial payment on the invoice rather than the full amount, adjust the Scheduled Amount accordingly. 
  1. Click on the Calculate button

    • Note:  This will calculate the payment(s); taking any scheduled amount into account.  

Add Recurring Voucher:  Schedule Information 

  1. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the recurrence schedule. 

Helpful Hint:  The date range entered here will control the overall duration for the vouchers that are created by the system.   

  1. Select the Frequency. 
    • Note:  Options include the following:  Weekly, Monthly by Day, Monthly by Date, Quarterly by Day, Quarterly by Date or Annually. 
  1. Based on the Frequency selected, you will need to select the Day(s) or Date(s) for the vouchers. 

Add Recurring Voucher:  Distribution 

Adding a General Ledger Distribution is important for ensuring the correction allocation to the ledger for expense incurred for a particular vendor. 

    • Note:  If the default distribution has been setup at Vendors, this information will automatically set to the pre-defined distribution and amount(s) once the Calculate button is clicked.    
  1. Click the +Add button
  2. Select the GL Base Account. 
  3. Select the Cost Center (optional). 
    • Note:  You may choose to require cost center for the distribution which is recommended anytime you have more than 1 cost center in order to have detailed financial reporting. 

Helpful Hint:  Service Code and Client are optional but key to cost reporting, especially the service.  

  1. Enter an Amount.  You have the option of adding multiple Base Accounts by clicking on the +Add button.  Note:  The sum of the individual amounts for each of the Base Accounts added must equal the total invoice amount.  
  2. Click Save (lower right of window)

Verify & Manage Voucher Recurrences 

Once you have saved the Recurring Voucher, you can verify the individual scheduled vouchers contained within

  1. Click on Recurring Vouchers  
  2. Click on the Search button to populate the grid

Helpful Hint:  Use the Vendor or Description filters to find the Recurring Voucher you want to verify or manage.   

  1. Double-click on the Recurring Voucher line item to open. 
  2. Verify the Vouchers contained within. 
    • Note:  You can click on the “Remove Unpaid Vouchers and Inactivate” button if you need to remove the vouchers and inactive the recurrence.  Click Save if you need to save any changes that you have made to the recurrence. 

Helpful Hint:  Past-due vouchers are marked in pink. 

Verify & Manage Voucher Recurrences  

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