04 Vouchers Overview

Vouchers Search Filters 

The vouchers search grid is where users can search for particular vouchers using filters to restrict the search results. The various filters that can be used to restrict the vouchers search grid are explained below. 

  • Clear Filters is used to reset all filters.                                                                                 
  • Alternate method:  X out of each field individually. 
  • Vendor Name will filter the grid based on the vendor name. 
  • Vendor Status will filter the grid based on the vendor status. Status choices include Active, Inactive and All. 
    • Note: The default is “Active”. 
  • Voucher Number will filter the grid based on the voucher number.
  • Description will filter the grid based on the voucher description. 
  • Invoice Number will filter the grid based on the invoice number. 
  • Invoice Date will filter the grid based on the date(s) entered. 

  • Scheduled Date will filter the grid based on any scheduled date forthe voucher. 
  • Paid will filter the grid based on whether or not the voucher has been marked as paid.  Vouchers are marked as paid by the system once associated with a check number. 
    • Note: The system default is “No” to see vouchers that are not paid.   
  • Last Check Number will filter the grid based on the last check number. 
  • Last Paid Date will filter the grid based on employee pay period. 
  • Void will filter the grid based on the void status of the voucher(s).
    • Note:  The system default is “No”. 
  • Processed will filter the grid based on whether or not the voucher(s) have been processed.  

  • From Deduction will filter the grid based on whether or not vouchers were created from an associated misc. pay deduction at paychecks creation.   
  • Past Due will filter the grid based on whether or not vouchers are past due. 
    • Note:  Line items displayed in pink at the grid indicate past due. 
  • Approved will filter the grid based on whether or not the vouchers have been approved. 
  • Distribution Account will filter the grid based on the voucher(s) associated GL Base Account. 
  • User will filter the grid based on specific users:  creator/editor of voucher(s). 

Search Vouchers 

This section of the course will guide you through the process of filtering and searching for vouchers. 

    • Note:  There is a separate search grid for Recurring Vouchers that allows you to search exclusively for recurring vouchers.   

  1. Click on Accounts Payable and expand 
  2. Click on Vouchers 
  3. Use the Vouchers Search grid filters to locate the vouchers that you wish to review. 

Helpful Hint:  Many of the filters allow for multiple entries.  Simply click on “Add filter” to add any additional filters (if available).   

  1. Click on the Clear Filters button to clear any filters that you have entered
  2. Click on the Search button to refresh the grid with the filters that you have entered            

  • The following are the default filter settings for the Vouchers search grid:   
    • Vendor Status=Active 
    • Paid=No 
    • Void=No 

Past Due Vouchers

Search Recurring Vouchers

Approve Vouchers 

Voucher approval is an optional feature/workflow in the system.  By going to  Configure→ Security→ Configure Roles→ Select Role(s)→Desktop Security tab→ Vouchers (expand) and selecting the “Require Approval to Make Checks” checkbox, you can require that vouchers be approved in order to create checks. 

    • Note:  Once this function is selected for a role, the Approver & Process Voucher functions are removed.

  1. From the Vouchers desktop, click on the Approve button 
  2. Approve all vouchers in the grid by selecting "From All" or select vouchers to approve and choose the "From Selected" option.

Process Vouchers 

The Process Vouchers function saves payment information to the general ledger. 

    • Note:  Vouchers must be processed before checks can be created & printed.

The Process Vouchers function is enabled per role by going to Configure→ Security→ Configure Roles→ Select Role(s)→Desktop Security tab→ Vouchers (expand) and selecting the “Process Voucher” checkbox. 

  1. From the Vouchers desktop, click on the Process Vouchers button 
  2. Process all vouchers in the grid by selecting "From All" or select vouchers to approve and choose the "From Selected" option. 

Helpful Hint:  Set the “Processed” search filter to “No” to find vouchers that have not yet been processed. 

Preview Checks 

Preview checks from vouchers using the Check Preview function.  

  1. From the Vouchers desktop, click on the Check Preview button 
  2. Preview all checks in the grid by selecting "From All" or select vouchers to preview and choose the "From Selected" option.    
  3. Select the Cash Account. 
  4. Click Preview Checks

Helpful Hint:  You can preview checks from unprocessed vouchers too. 

Create Checks 

Create checks from vouchers using the Create Check function. 

    • Note:  You can only create checks from processed vouchers.  
  1. From the Vouchers desktop, click on the Create Check button 
  2. Create checks from all vouchers in the grid by selecting "From All" or select vouchers from which you want to create checks and choose the "From Selected" option.     
  3. Select the Cash Account 
  4. Enter a Posting Date. 
    • Note:  Check the “Create ACH” checkbox if you want to create an ACH file.   
  1. Click Create Checks

Helpful Hint:  Set the “Processed” search filter to “Yes” to find vouchers that have been processed. 

Void Vouchers  

If you need to void vouchers, click on the Void button. 

    • Note:  Voiding is typically completed for vouchers that have already been processed.   
  1. From the Vouchers desktop, click on the Void button 
  2. Void all vouchers in the grid by selecting "From All" or select vouchers to void and choose the "From Selected" option.  

Helpful Hint:  Set the “Processed” search filter to “Yes” to find vouchers that can be voided. 

Delete Vouchers 

If you need to delete vouchers, click on the Delete button. 

    • Note:  Only vouchers that have not been processed can be deleted from the system.  If you need to remove processed vouchers from the system, please reference “Void Vouchers”. 

  1. From Search Vouchers (shown) or Recurring Vouchers, click on the Delete button 
  2. Delete all checks in the grid by selecting "From All" or select checks to delete and choose the "From Selected" option.  

Helpful Hint:  Set the “Processed” search filter to “No” to find vouchers that can be deleted. 

Exporting from the Grid 

This section of the course will show you how you can export a print-friendly grid containing all of the selected column headers and corresponding information from the Vouchers search grid.   

  1. From the Search Vouchers (shown) or Recurring Vouchers, use the filters to locate the voucher information that you want to export.         
  2. Click on the Search button to refresh the grid
  3. Click on the Export button (bottom left of grid)
  4. Click on the Export drop-down from the report window to select a file type for export or click on the print icon to print

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