06 How to Use the Service Authorization Reports

Authorization Reports: Overview

  • Service Variance Report: This report returns the unit values entered at the authorization, if the date range used to run the report matches those values. For example, if weekly units are entered at the authorization, the report will return weekly units. This can be helpful when trying to understand exceeded units messages and for managing utilization of units.
  • Service Variance-Utilization Report: This report shows authorized service(s) utilization. The start and end date of the service authorization(s) are shown along with the total authorized units, in process units (schedule/notes/time records/batched), billed units, and units remaining. This report is useful for understanding where in the system authorized service units are being accounted for.
  • Auth Vs. Scheduled Report: This report shows total units authorized versus the number of scheduled units. The percent utilized is also given. This report is especially useful in helping to ensure that scheduled time fully utilizes the authorized service units.

Using the Authorization Reports

  1. Click on Clients (expand)
  2. Click on Authorizations

  1. Select the Authorization Report that you want to run (3 buttons for corresponding reports along the top of the Authorizations screen).

    • Note: If you do not see buttons for any of these reports, ensure that you have access per your role by going to Configure→ Security→ Configure Roles→ Select Role→ Desktop Security→ Authorizations (expand).

Helpful Hint: There are links to these same 3 reports available along the top of the Scheduling desktop/screen. The Service Variance and Service Variance-Utilization report links are also mirrored at Time Records. Note: access to the reports from any of these areas of the program are dependent on role configuration and user/role assignment.

Example of Authorization Reports: Service Variance

Set filters, and run report. Note: click the green 'plus' button, to add multiple entries to report filters.

Example of Authorization Reports: Service Variance-Utilization

Set filters, and run report. Note: click the green 'plus' button, to add multiple entries to report filters.

Example of Authorization Reports: Auth Vs. Scheduled

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