04 Removing Authorizations

Deleting Authorizations

  • When looking at an Authorization, there is the Authorization level (top half of the screen) and the Service level (bottom half of the screen).
  • If the Authorization is not linked to any notes, schedules, or billing records, then you can delete the authorization.

Removing a service from an Authorization that has multiple services.

  • You can delete a service from an authorization containing multiple services if there are no notes, schedule, or billing records associated with the service.
  • If you need to add another service to the authorization, click Add Service on the Service level (bottom half of the screen).

Authorization Level

Authorization level of Client Authorization

Service Level

Service level of Client Authorization

How to Delete an Authorization

  • To delete one authorization at a time, click the red trash can
Deleting one authorization
  • To bulk delete or delete from selected Authorizations, click Delete and choose either “From Selected” or “ From All
Bulk deleting authorizations

Removing Authorizations

If the Authorization is tied to notes, schedules, or billing records then you will not be able to delete the authorization, but it can be zeroed to disconnect the authorization from any data and then deleted.

Steps for Removing Authorizations

  1. Change the End Date of the Authorization at the Authorization Level first to a date in the future and click Save. For example: 01/01/2050
  2. Change the Start/End Date of the service at the Service Level to the same date and click Save.
  3. Change the Start Date of the Authorization to the same as the End Date and click Save.
    • This will disconnect all data associated with the Authorization.
    • All data associated with the Authorization will remain in the system, but they will not be attached to anything until a new authorization is created; which will then automatically reconnect to the existing data.
  1. Finally, delete the Authorization from the Authorizations search grid.
Removing authorizations

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