09 Creating Invoices

Creating invoices is the last step in the billing process to create claims. Once claims are created for electronic payers, automation schedules will pull the claims and submit them to the appropriate payer. If the claims are generic invoices, they can now be printed and sent to the payer for payment. (Note: Generic invoice processing is covered in another article)

Creating Invoices from Batch Billing:

1. Click on Billing desktop.

2. Click on Batch Billing.

3. Click Search to view all of the batch billing.

Helpful Hint: Additional filters can be entered to restrict the invoices you wish to create. Popular filters are Funding Payer, Date of Service, or Cost Center.

  • The total dollars and number of units will appear on the bottom right of screen.
  1. For common or frequently used searches, please see the Saving, Selecting and Editing Views further in the lesson.
  2. Once the batch billing records populate, it is important to review the records and ensure there are no corrections to be made BEFORE creating the invoices.

Helpful Hint: These records can be exported using the Export button at the bottom left of the screen to use for filtering, sorting or reporting purposes.

  • Corrections will require the batch billing record to be deleted, and depending on the issue, correcting either the note, time record, authorization, client demographics, etc. Please contact support or your assigned account analyst for assistance with this process.

6. When ready to create invoices, click “Create Invoices”.

  • Default is usually “From All”, however you can select individual records in the window and choose “From Selected”
  1. To verify the batch billing created, click on the Claims desktop, enter Claim Date of today and click Search.

8. Once invoices are created:

  • Services specified as Claim Type Electronic Billing, or UB-92 will automatically export and submit to the payer based on the automated schedules set by Aym Technologies.
  • Services specified as HCFA-1500 or Generic Invoices, will require notification to support or your assigned account analyst for export once completed.

We recommend creating invoices only once per billing cycle to reduce the number of duplicate denials for same date of service.

Manually Creating Invoices (Claims)—recommended for Patient Responsibility invoices only:

1. Click on Billing Desktop.

2. Click on Claims.

3. Click on Add Claim.

4. Choose the Client.

5. Enter Invoice Date (usually the current day).

6. Enter the Service Date.

7. Enter the number of units.

  1. The rate should automatically populate, as well as the payer, based on the service chosen but can be edited per claim.

9. Click Add Claim Line to add another line on the claim (repeat Steps 6-8), or skip to Step 10.

10. Click Save once claim is created.

Saving, Selecting, and Editing Views

A “View” is a snapshot or save of any filters entered at the search grid. By saving a View, it can be recalled later as a quick method of plugging in filters instead of having to manually add filters in. This section of the course will walk you through the steps for saving, selecting and editing a view.

1. Saving: With the desired search filters entered from the search grid, click on the Save icon (upper right corner) to save a view

2. From the Save View dialogue, name the view and click on the Save button

Helpful Hint: Click on “Existing View” to select and overwrite an existing view.

3. Selecting: Click on the View selection drop-down to select a saved view

4. Editing: Click on the Edit Views button (wrench) to delete a view or make it Global

Helpful Hint: Global views can be selected by any user who has access to the search grid.

  1. Click on the Delete icon to delete a view or the Global checkbox from the “Edit Views” dialogue to make a view Global.

Creating Invoices from Batch Billing

Creating Invoices (Manual Entry)

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