06 Creating Time Records from Schedules
Time Records can be created from schedules for billable events when Notes have not been implemented in OnTarget or certain services are documented in the schedule only.
- Click on Schedules desktop
- Change the schedule view to Grid (the default will be Calendar)
- For billable Schedules, choose the filters of “No” under Imported and enter the Date Range of the events to import for the current billing cycle.
Helpful Hint: The Date Range is very important to ensure you restrict billing service dates that have not occurred yet.
- Additional filters can be added if needing to restrict the billable events.
5. Click Search.
- Once the data populates, click Create Time Records.
- Default is usually “From All”, however you can select individual records in the window and choose “From Selected”
Creating Time Records from Schedules
7. Once “Create Time Records” is clicked, a progress bar will appear.
Helpful Hint: The search could take several minutes depending on the amount of time records you are creating.
- If validations appear after clicking “Create Time Records” either select the time records to override and choose “Override selected validations and continue processing”, or choose “Do not Override and continue processing”
Helpful Hint: Validation settings can be controlled in security settings by the security administrator.
- For common or frequently used searches, please see the Saving, Selecting and Editing Views on the next slide.
Saving, Selecting, and Editing Views
A “View” is a snapshot or save of any filters entered at the search grid. By saving a View, it can be recalled later as a quick method of plugging in filters instead of having to manually add filters in. This section of the course will walk you through the steps for saving, selecting and editing a view.
1. Saving: With the desired search filters entered from the search grid, click on the Save icon (upper right corner) to save a view
2. From the Save View dialogue, name the view and click on the Save button
Helpful Hint: Click on “Existing View” to select and overwrite an existing view.
3. Selecting: Click on the View selection drop-down to select a saved view
4. Editing: Click on the Edit Views button (wrench) to delete a view or make it Global
Helpful Hint: Global views can be selected by any user who has access to the search grid.
- Click on the Delete icon to delete a view or the Global checkbox from the “Edit Views” dialogue to make a view Global.