04 Creating Time Records

Creating Time Records Billable Time

Time Records can be created directly in the system even if Notes and/or Schedules have not been implemented in OnTarget. Time records can then be processed through to batch billing where the time can be invoiced.

  1. Click on Time Records desktop
  2. Click on Add Time Record
  3. Select the Service Type. Note: Billable is selected by default.
  4. For Billable time, select the Employee and the Client.
  5. Enter the date of the service at the When field. Note: The “Assigned Clients Only” checkbox is selected by default, but can be de-selected if necessary
  6. Select the Service. Note: only authorized services for the client will show up at this dropdown.
  7. Enter the Start and End times or Duration. Note: Start/End and Duration fields are active depending on the service configuration.
  8. Click Save

Helpful Hint: If you need to save multiple dates of service for the same employee, client, service and start/end time or duration, you can click on Recurrence instead

Creating Time Records Non-Billable Time

Non-billable time records such as mileage, pto and training time can also be created at the Time Records desktop.

  1. Click on Time Records desktop
  2. Click on Add Time Record
  3. Select Non-Billable for the Service Type.
  4. Select the Employee
  5. Select the Pay Type.
    • Note: Only Pay Types that have been added to the employee’s record (selected) will show in the drop-down.
  1. Enter the Date at When.
  • Enter the Start and End time, Units or Amount.
    • Note: these fields are active/inactive depending on the pay type configuration.
  1. Click Save

Helpful Hint: If you need to save multiple time records for the same employee and pay type you can click on Recurrence instead

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