07 Time Record Search and Export

Time Records in OnTarget are defined as the documentation of services provided to each service recipient, specified in actual time (1:00pm to 3:00 pm) or duration only (2:00 hours). Time Records also contain various payroll and billing data; for the purposes of this training, we will refer to billing data only.

  1. Click on Billing desktop.

2. Click on Time Records.

  1. The time records search window should open automatically, if it does not, click Search Time Records.
  2. Clicking Search Time Records will not return any results, it will only open the search window.
  3. To search ALL time records, just click Search in the filter menu.

Helpful hint: Depending on the amount of data in your database this search can take several minutes, and we recommend using at least one filter to narrow the search and reduce the time for processing.

  1. The following list will explain the purpose of various filters in the time records screen
    1. Caregiver: The person who provided service to the client
    2. Client: Service recipient/consumer
    3. Service Abbr: The abbreviation of the service as specified in the service desktop
    4. Date: The date of service (Note: The Search grids data is restricted to 24 months. Please reach out to support to temporarily lift this restriction if needed)
    5. Client Cost Center: Cost center specified in the client page
    6. Employee Cost Center: Cost center the employee is associated with.
    7. Supervisor: Employee’s supervisor
    8. In Current Batch: Choices are Yes (already in batch billing) or No (not currently in batch billing)—this specifies if the time record has been pulled into Batch Billing already.
    9. Billed: This means a time record has already been assigned to an invoice, OR manually marked as billed.
    10. Eligible for Billing: Choices are Eligible/Ineligible. Restricts the time records to the filter chosen; service is deemed eligible or not in the service setup.
    11. Paid: Choices are Paid/Not Paid. This refers to employee PAYROLL paid, not claim paid.
    12. Billing Status: Choices are Blocked (date of service has another time record waiting for the original invoice payment to be posted); Revision (date of service/note was revised and will require a new import to clear revision); OK (time record is ok to bill)
    13. Hold Bill: Choices are Hold Bill/Do No Hold Bill. Hold bill automatically occurs when an auth is not checked “Approved” yet, or the time record was manually marked hold bill.
    14. Auth Payer: This is the authorizing payer that was chosen on the authorization.
    15. Site: This is the site chosen on the authorization
  2. After entering the appropriate filter, click Search.

Helpful Hint`: The search could take several minutes depending on the amount of data you are searching for.

  1. For common or frequently used searches, please see the Saving, Selecting and Editing Views slide further in this lesson.

Time Records Export

  1. Once you have pulled up the data needed in the Search window, it can be exported from the grid.
  2. Click Export.
  3. In the export viewer, choose XLS (Excel), CSV (Comma Separated Values), PDF or DOCX.

Helpful Hint: We recommend CSV for Excel reports.

  1. Depending on browser options choose destination to download.

Saving, Selecting, and Editing Views

A “View” is a snapshot or save of any filters entered at the search grid. By saving a View, it can be recalled later as a quick method of plugging in filters instead of having to manually add filters in. This section of the course will walk you through the steps for saving, selecting and editing a view.

  1. Saving: With the desired search filters entered from the search grid, click on the Save icon (upper right corner) to save a view
  2. From the Save View dialogue, name the view and click on the Save button

Helpful Hint: Click on “Existing View” to select and overwrite an existing view.

  1. Selecting: Click on the View selection drop-down to select a saved view
  2. Editing: Click on the Edit Views button (wrench) to delete a view or make it Global

Helpful Hint: Global views can be selected by any user who has access to the search grid.

  1. Click on the Delete icon to delete a view or the Global checkbox from the “Edit Views” dialogue to make a view Global.

Time Records Search

Time Records Export

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