03 Updating Service Rates

Service rates (fees) need to be maintained in OnTarget to ensure maximum reimbursement from the payer, and reduce write offs for over-billing. Rates (fees) are determined from a payer fee schedule, or your contract with the payer.

  1. Click on Billing

  1. Click on Services

  1. Use the Claims Search grid filters to locate the services you want to update.

Helpful Hint: If the Service Search grid is not visible, click on “Search Services” at the top/left of the screen to populate the grid.

  1. These are the most frequently used filters for this grid:
    • Service Code=Ex: 90847, T2013
    • Authorizing Payer= Ex: Cardinal Innovations, Aetna

  1. Click Search

  1. When the filtered results populate, the grid will appear with the data.

Helpful Hint: Each column in this grid can be clicked on to sort the results.

  1. Double click on the service line you need to update.

  1. In the service window, you will see a Rate History field:
  2. Double click on the line with the most recent Start Date.
  3. Change the end date to the day before the new rate begins.
  4. Click Update
  5. Click on Add within the Rate History field

  1. Enter the new start date and a new end date.

Helpful Hint: We recommend an end date set in the far future, such as 12/31/2020 or 12/31/2030.

Helpful Hint: There should be no gaps between the previous end date and the new start date.

  1. Calculate the hourly rate using the Rate Type and Units Per Hour field in the Service window.
  • Rate Type= Periodic, Units per Hour=4. Multiply the unit rate x 4, this is the hourly rate.
    • Ex: $3.54 for an every 15 minute service, the hourly rate is $14.16 ($3.54x4)
  • Rate Type= Periodic, Units per Hour =1. Multiply the unit rate x 1, this is the hourly rate.
    • Ex: $25.00 for an hourly service, the hourly rate is $25.00 ($25.00x1)
  • Rate Type= Daily, Weekly or Monthly. Multiply the unit rate x1, this is the hourly rate.
    • Ex: $500 per month, the hourly rate is $500 ($500.00 x1)
  1. Enter the hourly rate in dollars and cents.
  2. Click Update
  3. Click Save at the bottom right of the service window.
  4. A “Success. Service Saved” message should appear.
  5. Close the service window by clicking the “x” in the upper right corner.
  6. Repeat all steps for each service that requires an update to the rate.

Example of Updating Rates

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