14 Using the Payment Grid

Payments for claims can be posted in OnTarget by automatic electronic files called 835s, or manually posted by a user using a copy of the EOB (explanation of benefits) from the payer or other documentation. OnTarget also classifies write offs or adjustments as payments for reporting purposes.

Payment Grid (Snapshot in time, not recommended for Aging Review)

  1. Click on Billing desktop.
  2. Click on Payments.
  3. The Payments window should open automatically, if it does not, click Search Payments.

To search ALL payments, just click Search in the filter menu.

Helpful hint: Depending on the amount of data in your database this search can take several minutes, and we recommend using at least one filter to narrow the search and reduce the time for processing.

The following list will explain the purpose of various filters in the payments screen.

    1. Payment Date: This is the date the payer actually processed the payment. This is also known as the deposit date (the date the money was posted to your bank account). This is the date selected in manual posting as the processing date, and the date in the 835 when automatically posted.
    2. Funding Payer: The payer who “funds” or pays the claim.
    3. Cash Account: This is the account the payment is posted to. For cash payments, this is the account selected on the payer screen for automated posting, and it is also the account chosen in manual posting at the end of the posting process. This filter can also be used to specify a write off or adjustment account since it is also considered a payment.
    4. Claim Date: The date the invoice was created.
    5. Claim Number: This is the invoice number (assigned when invoice is created).
    6. Service Date: The actual date of service..
    7. Paid: Choices are Yes or No. Any claim with a non-zero balance will be considered NOT paid, even if there was a partial payment.
    8. Funder ID: A consumer’s payer (insurance) ID number.
    9. Denial Code: The code returned in the 835 for a denial, or the code posted manually from an EOB (Explanation of Benefits) also known as an RA (Remittance Advice).
      1. The 835 denial codes are nationally standardized, but the EOB/RA from the payer has more specific, detailed denial codes.
    10. Denial Description: Enter key words here from the descriptions of denials from the 835 or manually posted EOB/RA.
    11. Posting Created Date: This is the date the actual 835 or manual posting was entered as a payment.
    12. Journal Number: The number assigned to the cash journal (also known as the posting report).
    13. Claim Reference Number: The unique number assigned by the payer to each claim. This is also known as the claim ID number, transaction reference number, intermediate control number, and other names assigned by the payer.

  1. After entering the appropriate filter, click Search.

Here are some commonly requested searches and the filters to enter:

  • Weekly Denials by Payer: Payment Date, Funding Payer, Cash Account, Paid=No (remove the funding payer filter if you want to see ALL denials for the week)
  • Check write payments: Payment Date OR Posting Created Date, Cash Account
  • Payments by Payer: Payment Date, Funding Payer, Cash Account, Paid=Yes (note that Paid=Yes will only include fully paid invoices, remove this filter if you want to see all payments)
  • Write Offs/Adjustments: Payment Date, Cash Account

For using common or frequently used searches, please see the Saving, Selecting and Editing Views further in this article.

  1. Once you have pulled up the data needed in the Search window, it can be exported from the grid.**
  2. Click Export.
  3. In the export viewer, choose XLS (Excel), CSV (Comma Separated Values), PDF or DOCX.

Helpful Hint: We recommend CSV for Excel reports.

  1. Depending on browser options choose destination to download.

**Aym recommends using the Reports desktop to export instead of the payment grid. The grid should only be used to export same-day, real time transactions—the Reports desktop is refreshed every evening. Please see the Billing Reports course for further information on using the reports for Using the Payment Grid.

Saving, Selecting, and Editing Views

A “View” is a snapshot or save of any filters entered at the search grid. By saving a View, it can be recalled later as a quick method of plugging in filters instead of having to manually add filters in. This section of the course will walk you through the steps for saving, selecting and editing a view.

1. Saving: With the desired search filters entered from the search grid, click on the Save icon (upper right corner) to save a view

2. From the Save View dialogue, name the view and click on the Save button

Helpful Hint: Click on “Existing View” to select and overwrite an existing view.

3. Selecting: Click on the View selection drop-down to select a saved view

4. Editing: Click on the Edit Views button (wrench) to delete a view or make it Global

Helpful Hint: Global views can be selected by any user who has access to the search grid.

5. Click on the Delete icon to delete a view or the Global checkbox from the “Edit Views”

dialogue to make a view Global.

Using the Payment Grid (Export)

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