01 Configuring Timeclocks

Timeclocks Overview

Timeclocks functionality allows you to capture staff time and attendance in real time. OnTarget will record the location and device of the user clocking in/out, along with validating that the clock in/out’s are within acceptable range of the site where services are to be rendered. Reminders can be sent to staff if they forget to clock in/out of their shift. The clock in/out records can be tracked on each users’s Dashboard. Determine which services will be paid via timeclock records versus the shift note time in/out. Services with timeclock designations will place the timeclock records on the timesheet for payroll purposes.

    • Note: Shift schedules are required for clock in/out at this time. This course will focus on the system configuration that is required for timeclocks in OnTarget.

Timeclocks Role Configuration: Admin

  • Configure Admin Security Permissions: Configure→ Security→ Configure Roles.
    • Select roles accordingly to set the following permissions in the Desktop Security tab:

For users responsible for creating rules around timeclock features such as sending task reminders when staff haven’t clocked in, configuring the number of minutes before and after shift staff are allowed to clock in/out (typically super-users only):

  1. Select role and expand Configure section.
  2. Expand List Configuration folder.
  3. Check Timeclocks.

For users responsible for adding manual timeclock records (typically supervisors/managers only):

  1. Select role and check/expand Timeclocks desktop.
  2. Check Add Manual Timeclocks.
  3. Check Edit Manual Timeclocks.

For users responsible for approving and/or voiding clock-in/out records that are outside of acceptable distance from scheduled site (typically supervisors/managers only):

  1. Select role and check Timeclocks desktop.
  2. Check Approve Clock In.
  3. Check Approve Clock Out.
  4. Check Void Timeclock.
  5. Check Approve No Pay Type.

Timeclocks Role Config: Direct Care

  • Configure Direct Care Security Permissions: Configure→ Security→ Configure Roles. Select each role with users that will be clocking in and out:
  1. Expand Dashboard.
  2. Check My Timeclocks.
  3. Expand OTC Global Permissions
  4. Check Clock in from Desktop.
  5. Check Clock in from Mobile.

Timeclock Rules

• Setup Timeclock Rules (all are optional): Configure→ List Configuration→ Timeclocks→ Rules.

  1. Set the number of minutes before start of shift to allow clock-in.
    • Note: This prevents staff from being able to clock in a certain amount of time prior to shift start time.
  1. Set the number of minute start of shift to allow clock-out.
    • Note: This prevents staff from being able to clock out a certain amount of time after the shift has ended.
  1. Check to Send Reminders if staff forget to clock-in 15 minutes after shift starts or clock-out 15 minutes after shift ends.

Timeclock Rules (EVV - Specific)

Setup Timeclock Rules (all are optional): Configure→ List Configuration→ Timeclocks→ Rules.

  1. Send supervisor task when time has been edited on note. Note: when this box is checked, any time start/end times of timeclocks have been edited (w/ resulting note changes), the assigned supervisor will be notified via task message.
  2. Allow Caregiver Timeclock Edits. Note: when this box is checked, staff will be allowed to make edits to timeclock start/end times in OnTarget.
  3. Timeclock edit minutes window. Note: the time entered (in minutes) allowed to timeclock start/end times (based on the original scheduled time).
  4. Allowed radius for non-residential shifts (in miles). Leave blank to allow all distances. Note: this is the allowed radius for EVV shifts from the geographical point of clock in/out, to the client's home address (entered in the client's record in OnTarget).

Timeclock EVV Reason & Action Codes

Setup Timeclock Rules (all are optional): Configure→ List Configuration→ Timeclocks→ EVV Reason Codes/EVV Action Codes.

Note: standard 'Reason' and 'Action' codes are pre-installed, based on individual state/EVV requirements. This is where edits can be made to those master lists.

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