04 List Configuration: How to Setup Client Menus

The list configuration tool is found under the Configure Desktop. Each of the menu items within the client section correspond to a tab or section within the client record. This is where the selections within drop down boxes found in each of the corresponding desktop modules are managed.

Client menu setup is accessed by going to Configure> List Configuration > Clients.

Setup Client Menus

This section of the course will explain the function of each section of the client setup menus available from List Configuration. The basic processes for adding and managing items will also be presented.

  • Rules: This is where you can enable the system to automatically generate client codes or not. This code represents the client’s medical record number. Click on the “Automatically Generate Client Codes” checkbox and click Save if you want to have the system automatically create client codes for newly created client records.

  • Assessments: This is where the different client assessment types are setup. Once added here, they are available for selection from the Assessments tab of the client record. Once selected at the client record, the corresponding date of the assessment can be entered, along with the score, due date and recommendations. Click Add Assessment, enter a Description and click Update.

  • Clinical Program: This is a drop-down configuration, that can be setup for Incident Reports. Once configured, and selected for a particular incident report entry, it can be reported on using the corresponding 'Incident Report Raw' report. Click Add Clinical Program, enter a Description and click Update.

  • High Risk Category: This is where client 'high risk' categories are configured. Once setup, categories can then be linked with client records, as needed. Once a client record has been linked with a particular high risk category, the record will display in pink within the Client search grid, for easy visual identification. Click Add High Risk Category, enter a Description and click Update. High risk category icons can be customized within the list configuration menu too.

  • Consents: This is where the different consent types are setup. Once added here, they are available for selection from the Consents tab of the client record. Once selected at the client record, the corresponding expiration and reminder dates can be entered. Click Add Consent, enter a Description and click Update.

  • Contact Types: This is where the different contact types are setup. Once added here, they are available for selection from the Contacts tab of the client record. All of the pertinent types of contacts should be entered here so the proper selection can be made and the basic contact information (phone numbers, addresses, etc.) can be keyed. Click Add Contact Type, enter a Code, enter a Description, and click Update.

  • Medicaid Counties: This is typically the county of service origin for a client. This field can be important for reporting purposes. Once added here, they are available for selection from the Identification tab of the client record. Click Add Medicaid County, enter a Description and click Update.

  • Legal Statuses: Legal statuses are legal definitions of a clients’ state of being; for example minor child/self-guardian. Once added here, they are available for selection from the Identification tab of the client record. Click Add Legal Status, enter a Description and click Update.

  • MCOs: MCO is the entity services for the client. Once added here, they are available for selection from the Identification tab of the client record. Click Add MCO Configuration, enter a Description and click Update.

  • Primary Care Physicians: Primary care physicians are an important setup and should be considered a required setup at the onset of implementation if billed insurances require the PCP’s NPI on the claim as the rendering provider. If so, each PCP, usually found on the client’s insurance care, should be setup here with their respective NPI’s. Once added here, they are available for selection from the Insurance tab of the client record. Click Add Primary Care Physician, enter the First and Last Names, NPI and click Update.

  • Target Populations: Target populations can be setup to track which demographic of service the client falls under. This can also be very valuable reporting information when clients are linked to their respective target pops. Once added here, they are available for selection from the Identification tab of the client record. Click Add Target Populations, enter a Code, a Description and click Update.

  • Incident Severities: Incident severities are typically defined by level. For example, the incident severity level in certain states ranges from Level I to Level III. Once added here, they are available for selection from the Incident Reports tab. Click Add Incident Severity, enter a Description and click Update.

  • Incident Types: Incident types are used to describe the types of incidents that can occur. For example, the incident type may have a description of “Injury” or “Medication Error”. Once added here, they are available for selection from the Incident Reports tab. Click Add Incident Type, enter a Description and click Update.

  • School Districts: School districts are used as part of the overall process of managing authorized services units according to school district calendars. In this way, they are also connected with scheduling of billable services. Once added here, they are available for selection from the Identification tab of the client record. They are also available for selection from the School Years link at the Authorizations desktop. Click Add School District, enter a Description and click Update.

Click the arrow button at the top right corner to complete the course assessment.

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