03 How to Add Client Insurance Info

Adding Client Insurance Info

All relevant insurance information should be entered under the client Insurance tab.

  1. With the client record open, click on General
  2. Click on the Insurance tab
  3. Click on the Add Insurance button to add a new insurance source.

Helpful Hint: To make edits to existing insurance information, click to highlight the line to be edited in the list view. This will populate fields that can be edited.

    • Note: It is especially important that all insurance information be correctly entered into the fields described below from the client's insurance card. This will reduce the chance for billing denials or other payment issues.
  • Funding Source (required) is the insurance carrier that funds the client. Note: these are pre-configured from the Configure desktop.
  • Funding Id (required) is typically the insurance number associated with the client's funding source. For example, if the funding source is Medicaid, this is where the Medicaid id # is entered.
  • Relationship to Insured (required) is selected from a drop-down using standard codes/descriptions.
    • Note: if “Self” is selected, the only other item that is required is the Funding Payer.
  • Group Number and Dates of Eligibility (both optional) are also available.
  • Funding Payer (required) is typically the payer for the client’s services.
    • Note: Accuracy is important as this is how the system will know who to send the billing claim to.
  • Enter the Primary Care Physician (optional) if the client’s funding source requires the PCP’s NPI on the claim.
    • Note: It is best practice that when a PCP is listed on the insurance card that it gets entered into the system. The list of PCP’s is maintained in the Configure desktop under the List Configuration screen.
  • Subscriber First, Subscriber Last, Subscriber Address 1, Subscriber City, Subscriber
  • State, and Subscriber Zip Code are all required fields*.
  • Subscriber Insured DOB and Subscriber Insured Sex (both required*) are important, particularly if the client is carried on someone else’s policy. In that event, the insured’s info should be entered here if the client is not insured on his or her own.
    • Note: additional optional fields are on the right side of the window.
  • Inactive (checkbox) can be toggled on/off if insurance has expired.
  1. Click on the Save button

*These fields are only required if anything other than “Self” is selected from the “Relationship to Insured” drop-down.

Adding Client Insurance Info

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