How to Add Client Assessments

Adding Assessments

The Assessments tab is where you enter client assessments.

  1. With the client record open, click on History

2. Click on the Assessments tab

  1. Click on the Add button
    • Note: “Add By Form” is available if adding a consent by Webform.

4. Select an Assessment type from the drop-down (required).

Helpful Hint: Assessment types are set up initially through the Configure Desktop by going to List Configuration–>Clients–>Assessments.

  1. Enter Recommendations and/or Score (both optional).
  2. Enter the Date Completed and/or Date Due (both optional).
  3. Click on the Update button

Adding Assessments

Adding Assessments: Options

This section of the course outlines some of the other options available under the Assessments tab.

A. The DMS option is available for uploading/downloading a copy of an assessment.

B. The Add Form link allows you to add an assessment by using a Webform.

C. The Tasks option is available for sending a task related to an assessment.

A. Delete is available for removing an assessment from a client record.

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