How to Add Client Assessments
Adding Assessments
The Assessments tab is where you enter client assessments.
- With the client record open, click on History
2. Click on the Assessments tab
- Click on the Add button
- Note: “Add By Form” is available if adding a consent by Webform.
4. Select an Assessment type from the drop-down (required).
Helpful Hint: Assessment types are set up initially through the Configure Desktop by going to List Configuration–>Clients–>Assessments.
- Enter Recommendations and/or Score (both optional).
- Enter the Date Completed and/or Date Due (both optional).
- Click on the Update button
Adding Assessments
Adding Assessments: Options
This section of the course outlines some of the other options available under the Assessments tab.
A. The DMS option is available for uploading/downloading a copy of an assessment.
B. The Add Form link allows you to add an assessment by using a Webform.
C. The Tasks option is available for sending a task related to an assessment.
A. Delete is available for removing an assessment from a client record.