02 Global List Configuration

The Global List Configuration menu items are applicable to various modules throughout the system.

Edit Company Info: This is where company settings and information are stored.

  1. Click on Configure.
  2. Click on List Configuration.
  3. Select Global → Edit Company Info.

Global List Configuration: Edit Company Info

The address is used for system generated paper billing invoices and in the absence of data entered in the Remittance address details section, this address will populate to the invoices.

The admin email is where messages to the system security administrator will be sent. All users have the ability to do so via the Options menu. This is helpful so that users can ask specific questions to the designated OnTarget super-user from within your organization.

The session timeout field controls the amount of idle time that can occur prior to automatic system log-out. This should align with your internal policies. We recommend that you set the session timeout to the 60 minute maximum, in order to prevent possible data loss from OnTarget users.

Password expiration should also align with your internal policies for electronic documentation practices. This determines the frequency in which your users must change their passwords.

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