08 Document Management System

The DMS function is used to store client and employee documents.

The DMS can be found in several locations within the Client and Employee Record.

  • In the Client Record, the DMS can be found in Treatment, Consents, Insurance, Admissions, Assessments, Incident Reports, and Webforms.
  • In the Employee Record, the DMs can be found in Certifications, Employment History, Supervision Event, Misc. Deductions, Pay Distribution, and Pay Types.

Uploading Documents to DMS

  1. Locate the tab within the Client or Employee Record where the document will be uploaded
  2. After adding and filling out the required fields, click update and several icons will appear.
  3. Click on the DMS icon.

  1. Enter a description for the document

  1. Click Browse and locate the document you wish to upload within your database

6. All uploaded documents will appear on the lower half of the window.

  1. Click the download icon (green arrow) next to the document you wish to download

  1. Note: The Export button only exports a list of the documents uploaded.

DMS Upload Example

For example, after adding an assessment, the DMS icon will appear to the right.

Download Documents Option 2

  1. You can also download a document by clicking Options (top right) > DMS.
  2. Fill out the information needed to find the document you wish to download.
  3. Select Filter.

  1. Download the file by clicking the green arrow

  1. You can also select more than 1 file and select the green arrow on the bottom right to download all selected files.

Download One DMS Document

Download More than 1 DMS Document

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