08 Document Management System
The DMS function is used to store client and employee documents.
The DMS can be found in several locations within the Client and Employee Record.
- In the Client Record, the DMS can be found in Treatment, Consents, Insurance, Admissions, Assessments, Incident Reports, and Webforms.
- In the Employee Record, the DMs can be found in Certifications, Employment History, Supervision Event, Misc. Deductions, Pay Distribution, and Pay Types.
Uploading Documents to DMS
- Locate the tab within the Client or Employee Record where the document will be uploaded
- After adding and filling out the required fields, click update and several icons will appear.
- Click on the DMS icon.
- Enter a description for the document
- Click Browse and locate the document you wish to upload within your database
6. All uploaded documents will appear on the lower half of the window.
- Click the download icon (green arrow) next to the document you wish to download
- Note: The Export button only exports a list of the documents uploaded.
DMS Upload Example
For example, after adding an assessment, the DMS icon will appear to the right.
Download Documents Option 2
- You can also download a document by clicking Options (top right) > DMS.
- Fill out the information needed to find the document you wish to download.
- Select Filter.
- Download the file by clicking the green arrow
- You can also select more than 1 file and select the green arrow on the bottom right to download all selected files.