08 How to Use the Notification Dashlet

The Notifications dashlet allows users to send task notifications in bulk. The notification message can be customized as well as the recipient group(s). Note: Access to this dashlet is typically reserved for director/security administrator level users only. Role access is granted under Configure → Security → Configure Roles → Select Role → Desktop Security tab → Expand Dashboard → Dashlet Notification checkbox

  1. Navigate to the Notifications dashlet.

Helpful Hint: If you do not see this dashlet, ensure that you have access to it by clicking on Configure Dashboard and ensuring that the corresponding checkbox is selected.

  1. Click on the Add Notification button

  1. Enter a notification Message.
  2. Optional: Select the specific Cost Center to which you want to send the notification. Select the specific Job Title for associated employees to which you want to send the notification.

Helpful Hint: If you want to send the notification immediately, leave the Date Reminder field blank.

  1. Click on the Send button

Helpful Hint: Once you have saved the notification, you have the option of inactivating it by opening and clicking on the “Inactive” checkbox. You also have the option of deleting the notification from the dashlet.

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