02 How to Use the Unsigned/Unapproved Notes Dashlet

The Unsigned/Unapproved Notes dashlet offers a quick view of unsigned/unapproved notes that have been created, as it presents the list of notes that have not yet been signed or approved.

  • Note-writers: For note-writers, the unsigned/unapproved notes dashlet provides a visual alert to any notes that have not yet been signed. Once a note has been signed, it will no longer display automatically on the dashlet.
  • Approvers: For note approvers, the dashlet provides a quick means of displaying notes that have been signed, but not yet approved. By clicking on the “Signed Notes Only” checkbox, you will get a list of notes that are ready for approval.

Helpful Hint: Each note has a direct edit link which allows users to go directly to the note to perform any necessary edits.

Using the Unsigned/Unapproved Notes Dashlet

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