01 How to Log into OnTarget

OnTarget is a cloud-based software system that is accessible from most web browsers. Chrome and Firefox are officially supported browsers. You can access the OnTarget login screen by going to ontargetclinical.com.

  1. From the login screen enter your Username

Helpful Hint: If an unrecognized username is entered, an error message of “Invalid Credentials” will appear in red. Please contact your supervisor to ensure that your Username is correct.

  1. Enter your Password

Helpful Hint: If an incorrect password is entered, an error message of “Invalid Login Credentials” will appear in red. Please contact your supervisor to ensure that your initial Password is correct.

  1. Company will populate automatically if your Username is correctly identified by the system.

  1. Click on the Login button

Helpful Hint: A “Forgot Password” link is available if you have forgotten your password. A link will be sent to the associated email address.

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