03 How to Manage Employee Certifications

In order to manage employee certifications, you will need to complete some configuration first. You can access Certification Configuration by going to Configure > List Configuration > Employees > Certifications. Certifications entered here are available to be added to employee records.

1. Click Add Certification

2. Enter the Description.

3. Optionally, enter the # of Days Valid and/or # of Days Before Reminder.

  1. Optionally, set "Reminder Intervals" in days (multi-select). This will send reminders, much like a count-down function, where intervals set for 10, 5, 3, & 1, would send reminders out automatically, 10, 5, 3, & 1 days prior to the expiration for the certification.

Helpful Hint: # of Days Valid , # of Days Before Reminder, and Reminder Interval are global. When certifications with these corresponding fields are added at the client record, the expiration and reminder date fields will populate automatically based on the date of completion. They are particularly useful for certifications that are valid for specified amount of time. Reminder intervals set for a particular certification are also global.

    • When “EOM Expire" is checked for a certification, the expiration will be automatically set to the end of the month, based on the date of completion.
    • “Enable MAR?” checkbox is available to denote certifications that are to be utilized in conjunction with the eMAR functionality.
    • When the "Client" checkbox is selected for a certification, it is made available for selection from a client record; Client>Certification tab.
  1. Click on Update to save the certification

Certification Validations

Validation rules work in conjunction with the certifications section of the employee record. If corresponding validations are enforced, alerts will be given when certifications are either incomplete or expired. Validation rules for employee certifications are managed by going to Configure > Security > Configure Roles > Select the Role > Validations tab.

Adding Certifications

  1. Click on the Employees desktop, navigate to the employee record to which you want to add certifications and double-click to open the record.
  2. Click on the Certifications tab
  3. Click on the Add button

    • Note: the “Add By Form” button is for adding certifications by means of a Webform.
  1. Select the certification Description from the drop-down.

Helpful Hint: Certification types must be pre-configured. If you don’t see the certification type that you are looking for, ensure that it has been added by following the steps outlined at the beginning of the course.

  1. Click Update to save the certification

Helpful Hint: There is a report to manage certifications/expirations from the Dashboard desktop in the Reports dashlet called “Employee Certifications”. This is discussed in detail in another course.

Optional Fields & Functions

Optional fields and functions are available when adding certifications to employee records.

  1. The date fields available are “Date Completed”, “Date Expires”, and Date Reminder”. The date completed and date expires fields work in conjunction with the employee certification validations mentioned earlier in the course. The date reminder field will send an auto-generated task to the employee on the date specified, notifying them that their certification is set to expire.

Helpful Hint: If global settings have been configured for certifications (described earlier in this course), the “Date Expires” and “Date Reminder” fields will auto-populate based on the “Date Completed” field.

  1. Click on the DMS icon to upload a copy of the corresponding certification

  1. Click on the +/- icon to add a certification via webform

4. Click on the Tasks icon to send a task that is specific to a particular certification

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