How to Add Employee Supervision Events

The Supervision Event tab of the employee record is used to document employee supervision events.

  1. Click on the Employees desktop and double-click to open the employee record to which

you want to add the supervision event.

  1. Click on the Supervision Event tab
  2. Click on the Add button
  3. Select the Type from the drop-down (required).

Note: Supervision Types must be pre- configured by going to Configure > List Configuration > Employees > Supervision Types.

  1. Enter the Date Completed and Date Expires (both optional).
    • Note: It is recommended that you enter the completion date at a minimum, especially if you will be using the “Add Certification” function described in the next steps.

  1. Click Validate Dates if you want to validate/auto-populate the supervision date completed based on the date of signature from an associated Webform.

7. Select a Certification from the drop-down (optional). Note: Selecting a certification that corresponds with the supervision event is crucial if you intend to use the Add Certification function for syncing back to the employee Certifications tab.

8. Click on the Add Certification button to sync the certification type, date completed, and date expires back to the employee’s Certifications tab.

9. Enter a Description (optional).

10. Click on Update to save the supervision event

Adding Employee Supervision Events

Supervision Event: Options

A. The DMS option is available for uploading/downloading supervision info.

B. The Add Form link allows you to add supervision info by using a Webform.

C. Delete is available for removing supervision info from the employee record.

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