05 Reconciliation
This course will guide you through the process of reconciling any deposits, checks or other GL entries in the system.
- Click on Reconciliation
- Note: If you don’t see the Reconciliation desktop, go to Configure → Security → Configure Roles → Select your role → Desktop Security tab → Reconciliation checkbox. If you still don’t see the Reconciliation desktop after logging out and back into the system, you may need to click on Menu Settings and move Reconciliation from the Desktop area (right) to the Active Desktop are (left).
- Select the Institution Account that you are reconciling to.
Statement Information
- Verify the Last and Ending Statement Dates.
- Note: If the Ending Statement Date needs to be adjusted, you can directly edit the date field.
- Enter the Ending Statement Balance.
• Click on the arrow at the top of the window to hide the left-side/pane and start reconciling transactions
Reconciliation: Deposits
This part of the course will focus on reconciliation of Deposits.
- Note: Deposits include any accounts receivables from automatic and manual postings reflected at the Payments desktop.
- Click on the Deposits tab
- Review the deposits listed and put a check mark beside any deposit that has cleared under the “Cleared” column.
- Note: As you work through the list, you can click on the Save button to save your work
Reconciliation: Checks
This part of the course will focus on reconciliation of Checks.
- Note: Checks will include any accounts payables generated from payroll or AP checks.
- Click on the Checks tab
- Review the checks listed and put a check mark beside any check that has cleared under the “Cleared” column.
- Note: As you work through the list, you can click on the Save button to save your work
Reconciliation: Other
This part of the course will focus on reconciliation of remaining transactions defined as “Other”.
- Note: “Other” includes any manually entered GL entries.
- Click on the Other tab
2. Review any entries listed and put a check mark beside any that have cleared under the “Cleared” column.
Helpful Hint: Click Add if you want to quickly add a manual GL entry.
- Note: As you work through the list, you can click on the Save button to save your work
Reconciliation: Finalize
Once you have marked all items that have cleared with a status of “Cleared”, it is time to finalize
the reconciliation.