07 Mobile App: Completing a Note

The process for completing a note occurs when all outcomes have been addressed resulting in a green check indicator for each of the listed outcomes and a ‘Confirm Time’ button is available at the close of the outcomes list. Any outcome that does not contain a green check mark indicates that additional data entry may be needed to complete the outcome.

Clicking the ‘Confirm Time’ button directs the user to the process in which either the start time and end time are newly entered, or the start time and end time captured during a clock in / clock out may be edited. The ‘Confirm Time’ process differs slightly based on the type of service provided and the schedule type.

Confirm Time Page

The confirm time page contains the data elements needed for users to review, edit, and confirm the service time provided. Again, based on the type of service provided, there may be additional data entry points required for entry. These additional data entry points will be explained later in this document.

  1. Date of Service – Provided to the user to ensure the correct date of service is selected / displayed.
  2. Service Start and End Times – The start and end times will display based on the service type provided and / or the schedule type. For a non-EVV scheduled service with start / end times, the times will display based on the schedule. For a non-EVV scheduled service for a duration, the start and end times will be blank requiring the user to manually enter the times. For an EVV related shift, the start and end times will display the clocked in / clocked out times.
  3. AM / PM Slider – The AM / PM slider is used by the user to indicate the start / end times occurred in the AM or PM. This is a simple slide button in that clicking the button will change the slider.
  4. Additional Service Information – Like the service date, this section provides the service information for the user to confirm the correct service is selected / displayed.
  5. Sign Note – Once the time is entered, edited, and confirmed, the ‘Sign Note’ button begins the process to finalize the note by signing.

Confirming Time for Non-EVV Shifts with Start Time / End Time Schedules

  • Because non-EVV scheduled shifts do not require a clock in when the service starts or a clock out when the service ends, the OnTarget mobile application prepopulates the scheduled start time and end time for the user to review, edit, and / or confirm.

  • If configured to do so, the user can freely edit the start time and end time to ensure that the correct service time is entered based on the provided shift.

Please Note: There are company specific rules that may provide allowances or prohibit start and end time entry. These may include the ability to edit the times as well as the amount of time before or after the scheduled time. Additionally, entered / edited start and end times should be done within 15-minute increments (i.e., 1:00, 1:15, 1:30, 1:45) rather than exact minute times.

Confirming Time for Non-EVV Shifts with Duration Schedules

  • Not all scheduled shifts may contain a scheduled start time and end time. Instead, the scheduled shift may contain the number of hours (duration) in which a service may be provided. In this case, the ‘Confirm Time’ page will not have the start and end times prepopulated. This type of scheduled shift will require the user to manually enter the start and end times into the OnTarget mobile application. The start time and end time entered should total the number or hours (duration) scheduled.

Please Note: There are company specific rules that may provide allowances or prohibit start and end time entry. These may include the ability to edit the times as well as the amount of time before or after the duration time. Additionally, entered / edited start and end times should be done within 15-minute increments (i.e., 1:00, 1:15, 1:30, 1:45) rather than exact minute times.

Confirming Time for an EVV Shift

  • Remember, EVV related scheduled shifts will require a clock in / out process. This is a requirement for both start / end time scheduled shifts and duration scheduled shifts. At minimum, users are required to clock in before starting the process for service note entry which may result in slight differences during the confirm time process.

Confirming Clocked In and Clocked Out for an EVV Shift

  • When confirming time for an EVV shift in which the user has clocked in and clocked out using the buttons from the schedule, the start time and end time will prepopulate. Understanding that there may be instances where a user may have clocked in or clocked out late, the OnTarget mobile application provides the ability to edit the clock in and clock out time when confirming time. However, editing the times for an EVV shift requires additional information to be entered.

Any time the time is edited for an EVV related shift, an Action and Reason are required. Within the OnTarget mobile application, a drop- down set of values is provided for users to select a predetermined action and reason.

  1. Reason – This additional data entry is used to describe the reason the time is being edited.
  2. Action – The action entry provides a description as to what was done to that resulted in the reason the time required edit.
  • Please Note: The Reason and Action drop down list is preconfigured and meets the required expected information for EVV regulations. Please contact your supervisor if you have questions on the drop-down list provide.

Confirming Time for a Clocked In Only EVV Shift

  • Because users can clock in for a scheduled EVV shift and start the service note without clocking out from the schedule page, entering the end time when confirming time is required. Typically, this occurs if a user misses the time in which the clock out should have occurred. When confirming time in this case will result in a 00:00 prepopulated time for the end time.
  • Manually entering the clock out time for an EVV scheduled shift requires the user to select a Reason and Action.

Please Note: Users that miss the clock in and clock out time for a scheduled EVV shift must utilize the Edit Time button from the schedule to manually enter the start time and end time along with a Reason and Action code. Please refer to the Schedule section for additional information.

Signing the Service Note

Signing a service note is the last step in the note entry process and confirms that all data entered from the time to the interventions and assessments are correct and ready for submission. Submission of the service note begins the OnTarget process for approving the note to prepare for the remittance of payment for service(s) provided.

The ‘Sign Note’ process is a quick, easy process but may differ based on the requirements configured by your company. A portion of the sign note process reviews the user’s record within OnTarget to ensure that all the requirements are met. For example, in many cases a major requirement to a user’s record within OnTarget is training. And, in many cases, if a training is expired but required to provide a service, the user may be prohibited from signing a service note. OnTarget validates the requirements when service notes are signed. If any validations fail, they are listed for the user to review. Of course, if all validations pass, the sign note process completes without issue.

Signing a service note requires the user to enter their OnTarget mobile application password to attest an electronic signature. Clicking the ‘Confirm’ button finalizes the password entry to sign.

Overriding Validations

Overriding Validations

  • Users with failed validations may be provided the option to override the detected validation warnings to continue successfully signing the service note. Within the OnTarget mobile application, if a user can override detected validations a warning message will be displayed and provide the user the option to either continue signing or halt the process of signing the service note.

Keep in mind, however, that not all detected validations failures may be overridden. Any validations that cannot be overridden results in the user prohibition of signing the service note. The user is not provided with the option within the OnTarget mobile application to override. If this occurs, the user should contact their supervisor as soon as possible.

Please Note: Validations are configurable within OnTarget and differ for each company. This is the same for validation overrides. Please contact your supervisor for additional information on the configured validations and ability to override for your company.

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