04 Mobile app : Schedules
The Schedule is the landing page when users log into the OnTarget mobile application. This provides quick access to users to complete all aspects related to the schedule. This section of the mobile application is used to complete the process for clocking in and clocking out, entering / editing provided service times, starting as well as signing service notes, and cancelling scheduled shifts. In short, the Schedule module of the mobile application is the gateway to the service notes process.
Schedule Layout
The OnTarget application provides schedules for a specific range of days to limit the amount of scrolling up or down the listed schedule cards. The schedule contains all scheduled shifts for the previous day, current day, and 6 days ahead. Providing the scheduled shifts for the previous day allows users to complete time entry and notes for the previous day. Likewise, allowing users to view scheduled shifts 6 days in advance, provides the ability for users to plan.
The dates in which the OnTarget mobile application list all users’ scheduled shifts is listed at the top of the schedule page. Then, scheduled shifts for each date are listed under the respective day and date. Each scheduled shift is represented by a card containing specific information pertaining to each scheduled shift.
Each scheduled shift will be displayed on one schedule card displaying specific information regarding the shift. Although certain details on the schedule card may vary depending on the type of shift, the card layout is consistent throughout each card. The basic attributes on each scheduled card are described below.
- Client’s Name – The name of the individual / patient that is scheduled to receive service.
- Service Scheduled – The service in which the assigned individual / patient is scheduled to receive.
- Time Start / End or Duration – The time frame in which the service is scheduled to be performed. A schedule a display a total number of duration hours or a start and end time type of schedule.
- Duration – A scheduled duration is the total number of hours scheduled to be provided in which the start and end time is not specified. A user may start the service and end the service at any time during the day. However, the total number of hours between the start time and end time entered by the user must equal the noted duration.
- Start / End Time – A schedule listing s start time and end time indicates that a user must begin the service within the specified time and end the service within the specified time.
Please Note: There may be different variations or allowances between companies of OnTarget that provide users a time gap for starting the shift early or ending the shift late. Please contact your company support to learn more about your company’s settings.
Schedule Card
Using the Schedule Card
In addition to the slight difference in the basic layout of the schedule card, there are also differences in the functionality of each schedule card. These differences depend on how the service(s) are scheduled, the type of service scheduled, the status of each schedule card, and additional functions of schedule cards. Examples of each of these differences are explained in detail below.
Schedule Card Multi-Time Schedules
Multi-Time Schedules
In some cases, and based on a company’s unique settings configuration, schedules that are set for the same date, same caregiver, same client, and same service, a multi-time option is provided within the schedule card. Any service that is configured to allow for multi-time entries results in a user entering multiple times within the same date for one service note. This prevents users from entering a note for each scheduled time.
Schedule cards that contain multiple times will display a little different than those without multiple
times. To ensure a user is aware that a schedule contains multiple times, a text indicator of “Multiple” will appear on the card. Additionally, the Time field will contain a drop-down allowing the user to click to select the time needed.
Schedule Card Multi-Time Schedules
Using Multi-Time Schedules
- Click on the drop-down Time field to display the options for the scheduled multiple times.
- Choose the appropriate or preferred time.
- Use the Clock In button to clock in for the selected scheduled time.
- Or use the Start Note button to begin the process for entering service note data (covered later in this guide).
- Once a user has selected a time from the drop-down list, they may proceed to the following step in the process, which will be explained later in this section. Multi-time schedule cards allow the user to select one time frame per entry. Although all listed time frames will be associated with one service note, each time entry must occur individually.
Please Note: Please check with your company’s support portal to see if multi-time schedules are available for services provided.
Schedule Types
Schedule Types
Currently, there are two different schedule types within the OnTarget mobile application in which the way in which time entry varies. Scheduled services may require a user to clock in at the time in which the service starts and clock out at the time in which the service has ended. Other scheduled services require a direct time entry rather than a clock in / out. Additionally, there are differences in when time entry occurs. For example, if a scheduled service requires a user to clock in, the clock in must occur before the associated service note may be started or written. However, if the scheduled service does not require a clock in / out, then the service note may be started or written before the service time is entered.
The full process of time entry and service note entry will be provided later in this guide. For now, we will focus on the differences between clock in / out and manual time entry.