08 Mobile App : Timesheets

The Timesheet feature within the OnTarget mobile application allows users access to view their timesheets to review provided service time as well as time entered for non-billable time. This access provides users the opportunity to ensure that their timesheets are correct before signing to receive payment for services provided.

Timesheet Listing

Like the Notes feature, tabs are utilized within the timesheets feature to ensure an organized presentation for timesheets is provided. The tabs indicate the status of the timesheets to aid users in efficiently identifying timesheets that need to be signed or timesheets that have been signed and / or processed.

The Timesheets feature includes 2 tabs and are described as follows:

  1. Pending Signatures – Timesheets listed under this tab contain an unsigned status and provide users quick access to sign.
  2. Signed – This tab contains a listing of timesheets that have been signed and / or processed. Please Note: timesheets that have been closed will not display in the OnTarget mobile application. To view these specific timesheets, please contact your supervisor.

The timesheets listed under each tab are organized by pay period from the latest to most recent. Pay periods differ between companies. Please contact your supervisor to obtain any needed clarification on the pay periods for your company.

A calendar icon is provided within each tab providing users the ability to select a date range for the timesheets list. With the calendar open, a start date is selected and then an end date is selected to indicate the user desired date range.

Timesheet Details

Selecting a listed pay period displays the details of the associated timesheet and provides users with additional functionality. The details provided within the timesheet reflect the service time provided as well as additional time unrelated to providing services.

Billable Time

• Billable time refers to services that have been provided and is typically submitted by companies as billed claims. In short, billable time is the time users spend providing services to clients.

Non-Billable Time

There may be circumstances in which non-billable time needs to be added to a timesheet. Non-Billable time refers to time that is not typically submitted by companies for claims billing but that needs accounted for, so users full work time is listed. Examples of non-billable time include but are not limited to training, mileage, or PTO.

Please Note: The types of non-billable time vary between companies as well as type of employment. Please contact your supervisor or administration to obtain the types of non-billable time available for your role.

The information elements listed within the timesheet detail allows users insight into what they can expect in their pay and details on what is included as billable or non-billable time. The information provided in the timesheet details are as follows:

  1. Total Hours – The actual total hours listed on the timesheet which includes all billable and non-billable time.
  2. Total Others – The Total Others section lists the total non-billable time applicable to the selected timesheet.
  3. Total Mileage – This section of the timesheet detail lists the total number of mileage claimed by the user. Please Note: Not all companies may provide mileage reimbursement or may only apply to specific roles within the company. Please contact your supervisor for information on mileage for your role.
  4. Total Billable Units – Billable units do not directly reflect the total billable hours at an initial glance. A billable unit refers to the total number of hours broken down into parts. For example, for some provided (billable) services, 1 hour of time is broken down into 4 units of time. The 4 units represent a block of 15 minutes within the 1 hour (1 hour – 4 quarters of an hour – each quarter is 15 minutes).
  5. Timesheet Cards – There may be multiple timesheet cards listed within the timesheet. Each card contains the specific detail of the billable and non-billable time.

Billable Timesheet Card

The contents of a billable timesheet card provide specific details surrounding the provided billable service provided.

  1. Client – List the name of the client for whom the service has been provided.
  2. Service – The type of service provided to the listed client.
  3. Date – The date on which the service was provided.
  4. Time – The total number of hours-of-service time provided to the listed client on the date noted.

Non-Billable Timesheet Card

The contents of the non-billable timesheet card differ slightly from the billable timesheet card but provide the details for the non-billable type of pay.

  1. Pay Type – This is the title or description of the non-billable pay type.
  2. Date – Notes the date in which the non-billable pay type occurred.
  3. Time or Total – The total number time in hours if the listed pay type occurred as a time. Or the total count of the pay type (i.e., mileage).

Adding Time

In most cases, the billable service time provided is automatically added to a user’s timesheet once the associated service note is signed. This is part of a larger OnTarget process utilized for an efficient workflow and assurance that service time provided is accounted for on a user’s timesheet.

However, adding non-billable time requires interaction by the user to enter manually into a selected timesheet.

Adding time can only occur for timesheets that contain a ‘Pending Signature’ status. To add time to a timesheet that is signed, user’s must first un-sign the timesheet. However, once a signed timesheet is closed, it may no longer be edited prohibiting the ability to add time. A closed timesheet indicates that the user payment processed as completed and therefore the timesheet is no longer available for editing.

Please Note: If a timesheet has been signed and closed but you had forgotten to add non-billable time, please contact your supervisor or administrator for assistance. Initiating the process for adding time to a selected timesheet begins by clicking the ‘Add Time’ button for a selected timesheet (pay period) under the Pending Signature tab. The Add Time button floats near the bottom left corner of the timesheet detail page.

Adding Time

Clicking the Add Time button displays a page users will use to enter the required detailed information to indicate the time to be added. The information entered will differ based on the type of non-billable pay type that is selected. For example, when selecting a non-billable pay type such as training, users will be required to enter the start time and end time for which the training occurred. However, selecting a non- billable pay type such as mileage, users will be required to enter a total amount of miles.

Adding Time will require the user to enter information for the following details:

  1. Pay Type – This field provides a drop-down list of pay types assigned to the user. Selecting a pay type will determine whether the user needs to enter a start time / end time or an amount. Please Note: If an expected pay type is not listed within the drop down, please contact your supervisor or administrator for review and correction if necessary.
  2. When – Using a calendar, user can select the date in which the selected pay type occurred. When using the calendar, the OnTarget mobile application will only activate selective dates that coincide with the timesheet pay period. This ensures users are not selecting dates outside of the timesheet pay period.

  1. Start Time / End Time or Amount – As stated above, based on the pay type selected, the OnTarget mobile application will provide the appropriate type of entry required
    1. Selecting a Pay Type that requires the entry of a time frame requires the entry of a Start Time and End Time. Users manually enter the time and utilize the AM / PM slider to indicate the time of day.
    2. Selecting a Pay Type that requires the entry of a total or amount requires the entry of a unit type of amount. Users utilize the + or – sign to enter the preferred value amount.

  1. Comments – Although comments are not required when adding time, the OnTarget mobile application provides this entry point, so users have the option to include additional information for the added time as preferred or requested.

Once the information for the time to be added is completed, users can then click the ‘Submit New Time’ button located at the bottom of the entry page underneath the Comments field. Clicking this button will finalize the time addition and automatically list the new time within the selected timesheet.

Adding Time - Steps

Steps for Adding Time to a Timesheet

  1. Access the Pending Signature tab within the Timesheets feature.
  2. Select the pay period for which the time needs to be added.
  3. Click Add Time
  4. The Employee Name will automatically populate with the user’s name.
  5. Choose a Pay Type from the provided drop-down menu.
  6. Select an available date for the chosen pay period to indicate the date the selected pay type occurred.
  7. Enter the Start Time / End Time or Amount (based on chosen pay type).
  8. Enter any preferred or necessary comments.
  9. Click Submit New Time.

Signing a Timesheet

Signing a timesheet finalizes any processes associated with the user’s payment process for billable and non-billable time. Before this step occurs, all service notes should be completed, signed, and approved while all non-billable time should be added.

The time frame in which a timesheet must be signed differs between companies but typically follows the listed pay period. Timesheets that are not signed may result in non-payment.

Please Note: To find out the required time frame which timesheets should be signed for your company, please contact your supervisor or administrator.

The process for signing a timesheet is a quick and simple process that can be completed within a couple of clicks. Clicking the ‘Sign Timesheet’ button located at the bottom of a selected timesheet initiates the process. Before signing a timesheet can be completed, users are required to enter their OnTarget mobile application password to verify their identity and attest to an electronic signature.

Steps to Sign a Timesheet:

  1. Select the Pending Signature tab within the Timesheets feature.
  2. Choose a timesheet (pay period).
  3. Ensure all service notes are signed and any necessary non-billable time is added.
  4. Review the listed timesheet details.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the listed timesheet detail cards.
  6. Click Sign Timesheet.
  7. Enter your OnTarget mobile application password.
  8. Click Confirm.

Un-Signing a Timesheet

When a timesheet is signed, it is automatically moved and listed under the Signed timesheet tab. Listed timesheets under the Signed tab are accessible in the same manner as the Pending Signature tab and provides the same level of details when selecting a pay period.

Please Note: Once a timesheet has been signed, it will need to be un-signed to make any necessary edits or changes. But not all signed timesheets can be un-signed. After signing, the next part of the payment process is approval of the timesheet followed by user payment. When the pay period is closed, usually after payment occurs, timesheets cannot longer be edited.

The process of un-signing a timesheet follows an identical process as signing a timesheet. At the bottom of the timesheet detail for a signed timesheet is an ‘Un-Sign Timesheet’ button. Like signing a timesheet, users will be required to enter their OnTarget Mobile application password to verify identity and attest to their electronic signature.

Please Note: Before un-signing a timesheet, please contact your supervisor or administrator for awareness and any possible approval needed.

Steps to Un-Sign a Timesheet:

  1. Access the Signed tab within the Timesheets feature.
  2. Choose a listed timesheet (pay period).
  3. Review the timesheet details to ensure the correct timesheet is selected.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the listed timesheet detail cards.
  5. Click Un-Sign Timesheet.
  6. Enter your OnTarget mobile application password.
  7. Click Confirm.

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