10 Creating notes from Shift Schedules

Key Steps

  1. Click on Scheduling.
  2. Filter to your Site.

Helpful Hint: Click on the “Show Note Not Created” checkbox if you want to display only shift schedule links where a note has not yet been written.

  1. Click on the link for the most current date of your shift in the calendar view.
  2. Click on the Add/Edit Note link beside the client for whom you are writing a note.
  3. Click Save to see the client’s goals.
  4. Complete Intervention and Assessment sections.
    1. Note: complete any required fields marked w/ a red asterisk prior to the final signature being applied to the note (for group notes where multiple signatures are added to a single note).
  5. Sign the note.
    1. Note: for group notes where multiple signatures are added to a single note, the final signature must be applied after the end time of the shift has passed. Other caregivers are allowed to sign prior to the shift end.

Filter to Site

Click Shift Link

Click Add/Edit Note Link

Save Note

Interventions and Assessments

Sign When Complete

Group Note Signatures

Note Sign Warnings

Note Flow-chart

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