03 Adding Key Rules for Grid Notes

Select an Outcome

1. Open the client record that you want to add key rules to from the Clients search grid

2. Click on Treatment

3. Expand the treatment plan to the Outcome level

Add Key Rules to an Outcome

1. Click on the Add button under Key Rules

  • Helpful Hint: This is where you add Key Rules that are specific to a particular Outcome. If you need to apply Key Rules that are standard for a particular intervention, assessment and service combination, it would be best to setup a Key Rule Template. (See the “Adding Key Rule Templates for Grid Notes” course).

2. Select the Intervention key from the drop-down.

3. Select the equation type. You can select from <= (less than or equal to), = (equal to), or >= (greater than or equal to).

4. Enter the intervention Value that should be used to automate the corresponding assessment value.

5. Select the Assessment key from the drop-down.

6. Enter the assessment Value that should auto-populate to the note based on the intervention value.

7. Click Update to save the Key Rule

8. Click on Save

  • Helpful Hint: If you need to add additional key rules to the same Outcome, click on the Add button and repeat the steps for adding key rules.

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