09 Writing Grid Notes from Schedules

Review Schedules

1. Click on the Scheduling desktop.

2. Type your name in the Caregiver field. Click Search.

3. Review scheduled shifts - specifically the client, service, date and time.

4. Hover mouse over shift for these details.

5. Communicate any changes in schedule to your supervisor.

    • Helpful Hint: Notes cannot be written if the shift is not scheduled. To write timely notes, this communication is critical.

Do you see your schedules?

Find Shifts with no Notes

1. Click the ‘Show Note Not Created’ checkbox

    • Helpful Hint: Any older shifts that still appear after clicking this checkbox should be addressed. Check with your supervisor to understand the # of days you have to write & sign a note (from date of service).

2. Click on the shift to start writing your note.

Start the Note

1. Verify the client and service is correct

2. Click the ‘Add Date & Time’ button.

Start the Note

1. Select shift from Schedule drop-down.

  • Helpful Hint: Any older shifts that appear should be addressed. Check with your supervisor to understand the # of days from the date of service you have to write & sign a note.

2. Enter start and end time to reflect the exact hours worked. IF you worked over the scheduled hours, you must contact your supervisor first.

    • Helpful Hint: some services may only allow you to enter the total duration for the day, rather than the start/end time. For AFL services, enter duration of 01:00.

3. Click to save your start and end time.

4. Click save to see the goals.

Pay Attention to Older Shifts

Enter Exact Time Worked

Save the Note

Did You Work a Second Shift on the Same Day for the Same Client and Service?

Add the additional shift(s) to Note

1. If so, the additional shift(s) can be added to the same note. If not, proceed to next step.

  1. Click on the ‘Add a Date & Time’ button.
    • Helpful Hint: Click on the first shift from the schedule to open your original saved note.

3. Select the 2nd shift from the drop-down and click ok to Verify time.

4. Click save to finish adding the 2nd shift to the note.

Add Additional Shift(s) to the Note

Save the Second Shift

Document Interventions & Assessments

1. Enter the appropriate intervention and assessment values into the cells.

    • Helpful Hint: Intervention and Assessment cells only accept numbers 0-99 and the letters x & y.

2. Click at any time, even if you have not completed all of the goals.

3. If you close out of the note, click on the shift to launch it and continue working.

4. When the note is complete, Click Ok , enter password, and click Sign Note

Interventions and Assessments

Understanding Assessment Key ‘A’

Understanding Assessment Key ‘DNA’

Understanding Assessment Keys ‘R’ and ‘NA’

Summarize Activity of the Service

Review the Units or Hours

Sign When Complete

Note Sign Warnings

Note Flow-chart

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