15 Bulk Approving Notes

How to Approve Notes in Bulk

Multi-Approve Notes 1. Click on the Notes desktop

  1. Use the filters to search for signed notes needing approval based on the necessary criteria (date range, by client, by caregiver, etc.). Note: in order to bulk approve notes, they must belong to the same client. Service and Caregiver can be different.
  • Helpful Hint: You can search for signed notes only by setting the Caregiver Signature filter to All Signed Notes and clicking the Search button to refresh the search grid.
  1. Select the checkboxes for the corresponding notes to be approved.
  2. Click on the Bulk Approve Notes button

  • Helpful Hint: If you are not the assigned supervisor for the notes that you are attempting to bulk approve, you can enable Notes Super-user mode from Options (if you have access to this functionality). This will replace your name as the supervisor on the notes once you approve them.

Multi-Approve Notes Continued

5. Review the notes for accuracy. * Helpful Hint: Bulk note approval is presented to the approver as a Multi-Note Report. Notes are sorted from newest to oldest.

  1. Click on the Approve button
  2. Select from Approve for Billing, Approve for Payroll, or Approve for both Billing and Payroll.
  3. Enter your password
  4. Click OK
  • Helpful Hint: After clicking on OK, you may or may not be asked to override validations depending on particular security settings in the system and the settings for your particular assigned role.

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