14 How to Use the Payroll Reports
Payroll Reports: Overview
Miscellaneous Deductions: This report shows employee payroll deductions. The employee name, check number, check date and pay period are also shown. This report is useful for reporting on payroll deduction information as deduction types and amounts are clearly shown. The final page of the report gives a break-out of deduction total by type as well as the grand total for payroll deductions. Export options are also available.
PTO Balance by Check: This report shows PTO information for type, accrual, utilization and ending balance. Additionally, the associated check date, employee name and hire date are also given. Export options are also available.
Workman Compensation: This report shows the wage totals per employee broken down by wc class. In addition to regular, overtime and other earnings, the report shows the total earnings for each wc class. The final page of the report gives a final state total for all w/c classes as well as the overall report total. This report is useful for workman compensation audits. Export options are also available. Note: Workman’s comp must be configured by going to Configure→List Configuration→Payroll→Workman’s Comp. W/c classes must be setup with corresponding rates for proper reporting.
Using the Payroll Reports
1. Click on Reports
2. Click on the Payroll drop-down (top left)
3. Select one of the reports from the drop-down
Note: If you do not see the Reports desktop, ensure that you have access to it by going to Configure→Security→Configure Roles→Select Role→Desktop Security tab→Reports checkbox. Also, ensure that your role has access to these specific payroll reports by clicking on the Reports tab from the selected role and ensuring that checkboxes are selected for each of these reports under the “Can Run” column.