07 Using Calendar View Scheduling Filters

Navigating the Calendar View

  1. Click on the Scheduling Desktop
  • Helpful Hint: The default view is the Calendar view.

An alternate schedule view is available called the grid view which will be discussed later in the course.

2. Adjust the month/day viewed by clicking on the calendar arrow buttons

  1. You can also use the Jump to: date selector with the Go button to jump to a specific date.

  1. Adjust the calendar view as needed by clicking on the Day, Work Week, Week, or Month buttons
  • Helpful Hint: The default view is the monthly view. You can toggle the day, work week, week, or month buttons for a different view of the calendar.

Navigating the Calendar View

Calendar View Checkbox Filters

There are 3 scheduling filter checkboxes available from the Calendar view. Depending on your assigned role, these filters are a quick way to get to some of the most important categories of scheduled events.

  1. Click on the Show All checkbox to see all scheduled events that you have access to (based on your role and cost center assignment).
  2. Click on the Show Note Created checkbox to see all scheduled events that are linked to notes.
  3. Click on the Show Note Not Created checkbox to see all scheduled events that are not linked to notes.

Calendar View Filters

There are several filters available from the Calendar view. From here you can easily filter by Caregiver, Cost Center, Client, Service, or Pay Type.

  1. Click on Add filter and start typing the relevant information into any of the filters listed above.
  • Helpful Hint: These filters can accept multiple search entries. Once you have typed in the first item you want to filter for, simply click on Add filter again for the same filter type to add additional items.
  1. Click on the Search button to refresh the Calendar view

Additional Filters

There are additional filters available from the Calendar view. These filter types offer selection via drop-down. The options available include filtering by Open Shifts, Missed Shift Type, and Active Clients.

  1. Click on Add filter under Open Shifts to activate the drop-down. Select either Open Shifts or Assigned Shifts.
  • Helpful Hint: This filter gives you visibility to shifts that are considered “open” and do not have a caregiver assigned or to shifts that have been assigned a caregiver.

  1. Click Add filter under Missed Shift Type to activate the drop-down. This example includes missed shift types of “Client Sick” and “Service Refusal”.
  • Helpful Hint: Missed shift types are configured for this drop-down by going to Configure > List Configuration > Scheduling > Missed Shifts.

  1. Click on Add filter under Active Clients to activate the drop-down. Select either Active Clients, Inactive Clients, or All Clients.

Using Statuses as Filters

Statuses are a means for organizing and color-coding like events. Additionally, statuses can be used for filtering the calendar view. There are two options available for using statuses as filters outlined below.

  1. The first option is to click directly on a status or multiple statuses from the status list. This effectively filters out the selected status(es) from the calendar view. Simply select the status(es) again to re-activate.
  • Helpful Hint: Depending on your assigned role, you may also need to select one of the filter checkboxes such as “Show All” in order to get the calendar view to refresh.
  1. The second option is to select “Display only this status” from the status drop- down for a particular status.
  • Helpful Hint: Refresh the webpage in order re-activate any statuses that are being filtered out.

Filtering Option #1

Filtering Option #2

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