04 How to Manage Missed Shifts

Missed Shifts Overview

It is important to understand how to handle missed shifts when scheduling in the system. Proper documentation of missed shifts is crucial not only for accurate record keeping and information purposes, but also for maintaining accuracy with regards to authorized unit counts. Missed shifts are primarily managed by adding missed shift types to scheduled events. This course will outline the configuration points that are required as well as the best-practice workflow for managing missed shifts.

Configuring Time Schedule Statuses

Time schedule statuses should be configured as part of the overall workflow for documenting missed shifts. Although not required for managing missed shifts, time schedule statuses can be an import part of the overall workflow. This section of the course will focus on configuring time schedule statuses.

  1. Click on Configure
  2. Click on List Configuration
  3. Select SchedulingTime Schedule Statuses
  4. Click on the Add Schedule Status button
  5. Enter a Description and click on the Update button
  • Helpful Hint: You can change the default color for the schedule status by clicking on the color palate icon. Although there is a great deal of flexibility with the schedule status setup/coloring, statuses that relate to missed shifts are often coded w/ a single color for simplicity of workflow.

Configuring Time Schedule Statuses

Configuring Missed Shifts

Missed shifts descriptions need to be configured as part of the overall workflow for documenting missed shifts. This section of the course will focus on configuring missed shifts descriptions.

  1. Click on Configure
  2. Click on List Configuration
  3. Select Scheduling > Missed Shifts
  4. Click on the Add Missed Shifts button
  5. Enter a Description and click on the Update button
  • Helpful Hint: It is recommended that you be as detailed with your missed shifts descriptions as possible. This will allow for better searching/reporting on missed shifts from the Scheduling desktop.

Managing Missed Shifts

This section of the course will focus on the workflow for managing missed shifts from the Scheduling desktop.

  1. Start by navigating to the Scheduling desktop and locating the scheduled event that you need to change to a missed shift.
  • Helpful Hint: Remember that you can use the filters available from the Calendar or Grid views to locate the scheduled events that you need to manage.
  1. If you want to manage a single scheduled event, click on the event to launch the “Edit Event” dialogue.
  • Helpful Hint: You can also mark multiple scheduled events as missed shifts by using the Bulk Edit function.
  1. Click on the Missed Shift checkbox.
  2. Select the Missed Shift reason from the drop-down. Optionally, select/change the schedule status from the Status drop-down to a status that corresponds with a missed shift.
  3. Click on the Save button
  • Helpful Hint: By changing a billable scheduled event to a missed shift, any authorized service units that were bound to the scheduled event are freed up.

Missed Shifts Reporting

This section of the course will focus on missed shifts reporting from the Scheduling desktop.

  1. Start by navigating to the Scheduling desktop.
  2. From the Calendar view, select the Missed Shift Type from the drop-down for which you want to filter.
  • Helpful Hint: From the Grid view you have the same Missed Shift Type filter available, but you also have a general “Missed Shift” filter. Select “Yes” to search for all missed shifts regardless of type.
  1. Click on the Search button to refresh the page (Calendar and Grid views)
  • Helpful Hint: If you have changed the schedule status on a missed shift to one that relates to a missed shift, you can use the Statuses for filtering too.

4. From the Calendar view, click on the Export button

  1. Enter a date range from the dialogue and click Export again. Note: you can further export to the desired file type from the Schedule Report.
  • Helpful Hint: From the Grid view, you can click Export for an export of the entire grid at scheduling. You can further save this export to the desired file type.

Missed Shifts Reporting: Calendar View

Missed Shifts Reporting: Grid View

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