05 How to Search for Schedules Not Linked to Notes
Schedules Not Linked to Notes
If you are scheduling billable services in the system, it is important for you to know how to locate schedules that do not have notes associated with them. By identifying schedules with no notes, you can better manage schedules and determine if they should be deleted, changed to non-bill service codes, or marked as missed shifts. This is particularly important for freeing up authorized service units that are being consumed by scheduled events.
Schedules Not Linked to Notes: Calendar View
This section of the course will walk you through the steps for finding schedules that are not linked to notes from the Calendar view.
- Click on Scheduling
- Ensure that the Calendar view is active. If not, click on the Calendar button
- Click on the “Show Note Not Created” checkbox
- Helpful Hint: Use any additional filters available from the Calendar view to narrow your search for schedules that are not linked to notes. There is also a “Show Note Created” checkbox if you need to search for schedules that are linked to notes.
4. Click on the Search button (if you have entered any additional filters)
- Helpful Hint: With the search results available, you can now determine the best course of action. This may include deleting the schedules, changing the schedules to non-billable service codes, or marking them as missed shifts.
Schedules Not Linked to Notes: Grid View
This section of the course will walk you through the steps for finding schedules that
are not linked to notes from the Grid view.
- Click on Scheduling
- Click on the Grid button
- Select “No” from the “Linked To Note” filter (lower left of search grid)
- Helpful Hint: Use any additional filters available from the Grid view to narrow your search for schedules that are not linked to notes. You can also select “Yes” from the “Linked To Note” drop-down if you need to search for schedules that are linked to notes.
4. Click on the Search button
- Helpful Hint: With the search results available, you can now determine the best course of action. This may include deleting the schedules, changing the schedules to non-billable service codes, or marking them as missed shifts.