01 Shift Scheduling Security

Shift Scheduling allows for the assigning of clients, employees and shifts to specific sites. Eligible staff are scheduled for each designated shift at each site. The schedules can be validated to ensure staffing requirements are met for the corresponding services. Notes can be launched from the shift schedules and each staff member associated to the shift can sign off on the note. Staff can pick up shifts or add themselves to shifts as needed, per appropriate security permissions. Staff can also be required to clock-in and out of shifts for time and attendance. This course will focus on the system configuration that is required for shift scheduling in OnTarget.

Shift Scheduling: Security (Roles)

Configure Admin Security Permissions:

Configure→Security→Configure Roles. Select roles accordingly to set the following permissions in the Desktop Security tab:

For users responsible for assigning staff to sites:

  1. Expand Employees section.
  2. Check Assigned Sites.

For users responsible for entering shift schedules:

  1. Expand Scheduling section.
  2. Check Shift Scheduling Clients.
  • Note: only check if role is responsible for scheduling the client(s) to the site but not responsible for also scheduling staff.
  1. Check Shift Scheduling Employees.
  • Note: only check if role is responsible for scheduling the employee(s) to the site but not responsible for also scheduling clients.

For users responsible for assigning shifts to sites:

  1. Expand Sites section.
  2. Check Add/Edit/Delete accordingly.
  3. Check Group Scheduling.

For users responsible for specifying services eligible for shift scheduling and the corresponding staffing requirements:

  1. Expand Services section.
  2. Check Site Scheduling.

For users responsible for creating shifts (to then assign to sites):

  1. Expand Configure→Expand List Configuration.
  2. Expand Scheduling.
  3. Check Shifts.

Shift Scheduling: Security (Direct Care)

Configure Direct Care Staff Security Permissions: Configure→Security→Configure Roles. Select roles accordingly to set the following permissions in the Desktop Security tab:

For users that who will need to see shifts (but not add/edit/delete shifts from an entire site)

  1. Expand Scheduling section.
  2. Check All Calendars (Read Only).
  3. Check Shift Scheduling Pick-up Shift IF you want all users in the role to be able to fill-in for another staff member and not rely on a supervisor to make the schedule change.
  • Note: When the staff pick-up another staff’s shift (someone who has not yet clocked in or started anote for the shift), the supervisor will get an automated task alerting them of the schedule change.

4. Check Shift Scheduling Add Self to Shift IF you want all users in the role to be able to assign themselves to a shift, thereby adding another staff member to the shift (as opposed to replacing another staff member).

  • Note: The supervisor will get an automatic task when this occurs notifying them of the schedule change.

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