12 Scheduling Non-Billable Events
Getting Started
- Click on the Scheduling Desktop
- Hint: The default view is the Calendar view. An alternate schedule view is available called the grid view which will be discussed later in the course.
2. Adjust the calendar view as needed by clicking on the Day, Work Week, Week, or Month buttons
- Helpful Hint: The default view is the monthly view.You can toggle the day, work week, week, or month buttons for a different view of the calendar.
3. Click on a calendar cell to start adding a non-billable event for a particular day.
Start Adding a Non-Billable Event
Add a Non-Billable Event from the Calendar View
- Select the Caregiver from the drop-down.
- Change the Service Type to Non-Billable (Billable by default). If the event is not specific to a client and a service, it will be non-billable.
- Note: billable scheduling is discussed in a separate course.
- Helpful Hint: When you change the service type to non-billable, you will be presented with a message asking if you would like to continue…click Yes to continue.
- Select a Pay Type from the drop-down. Although pay types are typically added to employee records for the purpose of processing payroll through the system, pay types are also descriptive items used for scheduling non-billable events. Pay types are pre-configured under the Payroll Desktop.
- Helpful Hint: Only pay types that have been added to the selected employee’s record will show up in the drop-down. Cost centers are linked to each pay type, so for employee who work in multiple cost centers, you should select the correct pay type based on where the time is being provided.
- Select the supervisor from the drop-down.
- Enter the date and the start & end time for the non-billable time.
- Helpful Hint: The Units and Amount fields are read only for hourly pay types.
- Link the scheduled event with a status if available.
- Helpful Hint: Statuses are pre-configured under the Configure Desktop and are way of color-coding events so that alike events can be grouped in a meaningful way.
- Click on Save
Scheduled Non-Billable Event
Schedule Statuses
Schedule Multiple Non-Billable Events Using Recurrence
- Building a recurrence pattern is beneficial when non-billable events occur consistently over a period of time. In order to schedule multiple non-billable events using the recurrence function, follow the steps listed previously for adding a non-billable event, but instead of clicking on Save, click on Recurrence
- Set “Select by” to either Recurrence pattern or Choose specific dates.
- Helpful Hint: Choose specific dates is best if there is no real pattern for the schedule and individual dates need to be selected instead.
- If Recurrence pattern is selected, enter the From and To dates to restrict the recurrence scheduling to a particular date range.
4. “Repeat Every” according to the desired pattern.
- Helpful Hint: If, for example, you wanted to schedule events for every other week you would enter a “2” followed by “Week(s)” from the drop- down.
- Click on each day within the yellow highlighted area that is needed for the pattern. When a particular day of the week is active, it will be highlighted in green.
6. Click on Save
Schedule by Choosing Specific Dates
Overview of the Grid View
Although the default scheduling view is the calendar view, there is an alternate view and method of schedule entry called the grid view. The Grid view offers additional filters and a grid-based view of schedules that may be a preferred method of entry and review in certain situations.
Add a Non-Billable Event from the Grid View
- Click on Grid to start scheduling from the grid view
Multiple filters are available from the grid view and are discussed in a separate course.
2. Click on the Add Schedule button
- Helpful Hint: From here, the process for adding non-billable events is the same as the steps previously outlined.