04 Creating a Timesheet

Add your Timesheet

  1. Click on Timesheets.
  2. Look for your current pay period on the left panel. If you have written and signed a note in this pay period, and the note has been approved, the timesheet will automatically be created and the approved note will display.
  3. You may manually create a timesheet if one has not automatically been created, by clicking Add Timesheet. Select the current pay period from the Pay Period drop- down.
  4. Click Save to create your timesheet.
  • Helpful Hint: Check to see if a timesheet has already been created against the pay period. All existing timesheets will be displayed on the left side of the screen.

Verify Notes are on Timesheet

  1. Click the current pay period on the left side of screen.
  2. All approved notes will display.
  3. Click the + sign at the top of the timesheet to open each day and review the

    approved notes for the day.

  4. If notes do not display, go back to the Notes desktop and use the filters on the left panel to search for unsigned notes. You will need to sign those in order to then get approved.
  5. You may also need to go to Schedules and review any scheduled shifts for the pay period in which the note has not yet been written.

Add Non-Billable Time

  1. Click on the Add Time Record button at the top of the timesheet to add any non-billable time.
  2. Enter in the details for the pay type selected.
  3. Click Save.

Enter Non-billable Time

Review your Timesheet

  1. Review your timesheet for accuracy.
    • Helpful Hint: Non-billable time that is added to your timesheet is easily distinguishable from billable time because it has a green icon instead of a blue note icon.
  1. Remove any time from the timesheet by clicking on the delete icon
  2. Click on the edit time record icon , followed by to open a note associated with time on your timesheet.

Review for Accuracy

Verify Hours and Sign

  1. Review your total hours at the bottom of the timesheet.
  2. Click the Sign button at the bottom right corner only when you agree all time to be paid for the pay period is reflected.
    • Helpful Hint: Click on the Export Timesheet button at the top for a print- friendly version of your timesheet.
  1. Enter your password (same password you use to log into program).
  2. Click OK to finish signing your timesheet.

Sign your Timesheet

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